Post by Guest » Sat Mar 11, 2023 6:04 pm
I want to know that is there a way to access fdm and it's functionalities(For example automatically download a file to a given destination) using command line. I was going through the old repository for fdm 3.X and I came across the following code which I think is used for accessing fdm. But unfortunately, non of these command line arguments are working for fdm 6.X.
Code: Select all
for (int i = 0; i < m_parser.Get_ParameterCount (); i++)
LPCTSTR pszParam = m_parser.Get_Parameter (i);
LPCTSTR pszValue = m_parser.Get_ParameterValue (i);
if (_tcscmp (pszParam, _T("?")) == 0 && enPTT == Normal)
MessageBox (0, _T("fdm.exe [-fs] [-url=]url1 [-url=]url2 ...\n\n-fs - force silent mode.\nIf url contains spaces it should be in quotes.\n\nExample:\nfdm.exe -fs \" me.txt\""), _T("Command line usage"), 0);
else if (_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("fs")) == 0)
m_bForceSilent = TRUE;
else if ((_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("URL")) == 0 || *pszParam == 0) && enPTT == Normal)
fsURL url;
BOOL bUrl = IR_SUCCESS == url.Crack (pszValue) && pszValue [1] != _T(':');
BOOL bTorrent = FALSE;
if (bUrl == FALSE)
bTorrent = _tcslen (pszValue) > 8 &&
0 == _tcsicmp (pszValue + _tcslen (pszValue) - 8, _T(".torrent"));
if (_tcsstr(pszValue, _T("magnet:")) != 0)
bTorrent = TRUE;
if (bUrl == FALSE && bTorrent == FALSE)
if (bTorrent)
static BOOL bBtI = vmsFdmAppMgr::MakeSureBtInstalled ();
if (bBtI)
AddTorrent (pszValue);
if (m_bAnotherFDMStarted)
IWGUrlReceiver* pAdd = NULL;
CoCreateInstance (CLSID_WGUrlReceiver, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL,
IID_IWGUrlReceiver, (void**) &pAdd);
if (pAdd)
CComBSTR url = pszValue;
pAdd->put_Url (url);
if (m_bForceSilent)
pAdd->put_ForceSilent (TRUE);
pAdd->AddDownload ();
pAdd->Release ();
CFdmApp::_inc_UrlToAdd url;
url.strUrl = pszValue;
url.bForceSilent = m_bForceSilent;
app->m_vUrlsToAdd.add (url);
else if (_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("nostart")) == 0)
m_bNeedExit = true;
else if (_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("assocwithtorrent")) == 0 && enPTT == Elevated)
bool bAssoc = _tcscmp (pszValue, _T("0")) != 0;
if (bAssoc)
_App.Bittorrent_OldTorrentAssociation (vmsTorrentExtension::GetCurrentAssociation ());
vmsTorrentExtension::Associate ();
vmsTorrentExtension::AssociateWith (_App.Bittorrent_OldTorrentAssociation ());
else if (_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("assocwithmagnet")) == 0 && enPTT == Elevated)
bool bAssoc = _tcscmp (pszValue, _T("0")) != 0;
vmsFdmUtils::AssociateFdmWithMagnetLinks (bAssoc);
else if (!_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("RegServer")))
m_bNeedRegisterServer = true;
else if (!_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("RegServerUserOnly")))
m_bNeedRegisterServerUserOnly = true;
else if (!_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("UnregServer")))
m_bNeedUnregisterServer = true;
else if (!_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("runelevated")))
m_bRunAsElevatedTasksProcessor = true;
else if (!_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("ie")))
m_bInstallIeIntegration = true;
else if (!_tcsicmp(pszParam, _T("chrome")))
m_bInstallChromeIntegration = true;
else if (!_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("installIntegration")) || !_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("deinstallIntegration")))
std::vector <int> v;
ReadIntVector (pszValue, v);
bool bInstall = !_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("installIntegration"));
for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size (); i++)
if (bInstall)
m_vBrowsersToInstallIntegration.push_back ((vmsKnownBrowsers::Browser) v [i]);
m_vBrowsersToDeinstallIntegration.push_back ((vmsKnownBrowsers::Browser) v [i]);
I want to know that is there a way to access fdm and it's functionalities(For example automatically download a file to a given destination) using command line. I was going through the old repository for fdm 3.X and I came across the following code which I think is used for accessing fdm. But unfortunately, non of these command line arguments are working for fdm 6.X.
[code] for (int i = 0; i < m_parser.Get_ParameterCount (); i++)
LPCTSTR pszParam = m_parser.Get_Parameter (i);
LPCTSTR pszValue = m_parser.Get_ParameterValue (i);
if (_tcscmp (pszParam, _T("?")) == 0 && enPTT == Normal)
MessageBox (0, _T("fdm.exe [-fs] [-url=]url1 [-url=]url2 ...\n\n-fs - force silent mode.\nIf url contains spaces it should be in quotes.\n\nExample:\nfdm.exe -fs \" me.txt\""), _T("Command line usage"), 0);
else if (_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("fs")) == 0)
m_bForceSilent = TRUE;
else if ((_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("URL")) == 0 || *pszParam == 0) && enPTT == Normal)
fsURL url;
BOOL bUrl = IR_SUCCESS == url.Crack (pszValue) && pszValue [1] != _T(':');
BOOL bTorrent = FALSE;
if (bUrl == FALSE)
bTorrent = _tcslen (pszValue) > 8 &&
0 == _tcsicmp (pszValue + _tcslen (pszValue) - 8, _T(".torrent"));
if (_tcsstr(pszValue, _T("magnet:")) != 0)
bTorrent = TRUE;
if (bUrl == FALSE && bTorrent == FALSE)
if (bTorrent)
static BOOL bBtI = vmsFdmAppMgr::MakeSureBtInstalled ();
if (bBtI)
AddTorrent (pszValue);
if (m_bAnotherFDMStarted)
IWGUrlReceiver* pAdd = NULL;
CoCreateInstance (CLSID_WGUrlReceiver, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL,
IID_IWGUrlReceiver, (void**) &pAdd);
if (pAdd)
CComBSTR url = pszValue;
pAdd->put_Url (url);
if (m_bForceSilent)
pAdd->put_ForceSilent (TRUE);
pAdd->AddDownload ();
pAdd->Release ();
CFdmApp::_inc_UrlToAdd url;
url.strUrl = pszValue;
url.bForceSilent = m_bForceSilent;
app->m_vUrlsToAdd.add (url);
else if (_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("nostart")) == 0)
m_bNeedExit = true;
else if (_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("assocwithtorrent")) == 0 && enPTT == Elevated)
bool bAssoc = _tcscmp (pszValue, _T("0")) != 0;
if (bAssoc)
_App.Bittorrent_OldTorrentAssociation (vmsTorrentExtension::GetCurrentAssociation ());
vmsTorrentExtension::Associate ();
vmsTorrentExtension::AssociateWith (_App.Bittorrent_OldTorrentAssociation ());
else if (_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("assocwithmagnet")) == 0 && enPTT == Elevated)
bool bAssoc = _tcscmp (pszValue, _T("0")) != 0;
vmsFdmUtils::AssociateFdmWithMagnetLinks (bAssoc);
else if (!_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("RegServer")))
m_bNeedRegisterServer = true;
else if (!_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("RegServerUserOnly")))
m_bNeedRegisterServerUserOnly = true;
else if (!_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("UnregServer")))
m_bNeedUnregisterServer = true;
else if (!_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("runelevated")))
m_bRunAsElevatedTasksProcessor = true;
else if (!_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("ie")))
m_bInstallIeIntegration = true;
else if (!_tcsicmp(pszParam, _T("chrome")))
m_bInstallChromeIntegration = true;
else if (!_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("installIntegration")) || !_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("deinstallIntegration")))
std::vector <int> v;
ReadIntVector (pszValue, v);
bool bInstall = !_tcsicmp (pszParam, _T("installIntegration"));
for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size (); i++)
if (bInstall)
m_vBrowsersToInstallIntegration.push_back ((vmsKnownBrowsers::Browser) v [i]);
m_vBrowsersToDeinstallIntegration.push_back ((vmsKnownBrowsers::Browser) v [i]);