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Is there any option to set the ports used for torrents?

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Re: Is there any option to set the ports used for torrents?

Post by rufang » Sun Apr 02, 2023 7:35 pm

Alex wrote:Hello,
I'm very sorry for the delay. has everything you need (check Preferences | Bittorrent | Advanced | Use system defined port for incoming connections).
1. It shows the current torrent port (please make sure you have active torrents).
2. You may specify custom port also.

Hello. Found it. It works well. Thank you.

Re: Is there any option to set the ports used for torrents?

Post by Alex » Fri Mar 31, 2023 8:12 pm

I'm very sorry for the delay. has everything you need (check Preferences | Bittorrent | Advanced | Use system defined port for incoming connections).
1. It shows the current torrent port (please make sure you have active torrents).
2. You may specify custom port also.

Re: Is there any option to set the ports used for torrents?

Post by rufang » Thu Mar 23, 2023 8:56 pm

Alex wrote:Hello,
FDM version?

Hi. It is

Re: Is there any option to set the ports used for torrents?

Post by Alex » Thu Mar 23, 2023 8:29 pm

FDM version?

Is there any option to set the ports used for torrents?

Post by rufang » Thu Mar 23, 2023 6:42 pm

It seems like there is no option to set ports used for torrents, so there is no way to set port forwarding on the router, right?
