Dear Users! Please post bug reports about FDM here!

Still doesn't respect its own connection limits and make you banned for DDOS

Moderators: Usher, Alex


Still doesn't respect its own connection limits and make you banned for DDOS

Postby FailDownloadManager » Mon Apr 17, 2023 1:42 pm

Still doesn't respect its own connection limits and make you banned for DDOS when you add download.
Impossible to bypass and it tries to connect to target even if you don't start download.
FDM Team
Posts: 2784
Joined: Mon Jul 12, 2004 12:17 pm

Re: Still doesn't respect its own connection limits and make you banned for DDOS

Postby Alex » Tue Apr 18, 2023 3:28 pm

Are you the same user posted the original issue topic before?
Why did you remove the original topic?
I think we've fixed the issue. I gave you the new build to test. Did you test it?
In case you did, we (as always) need some details, so we can understand what is going on your side.
We're not making bugs on a purpose, we would like our FDM to have no bugs at all. Unfortunately, it's not possible due to various reasons.
So, if you want your issue to be fixed - please help us. If you have an issue - this means that our team does not have it. Otherwise we would fix it.
FDM development team

Re: Still doesn't respect its own connection limits and make you banned for DDOS

Postby FailDownloadManager » Tue Apr 18, 2023 4:20 pm

I've removed nothing, your forum doesn't allow me to delete any message.
If you know your software as well as your forum, this explains a lot about FailedDownloadManager.

Re: Still doesn't respect its own connection limits and make you banned for DDOS

Postby FailDownloadManager » Tue Apr 18, 2023 4:21 pm

If someone deleted something, it's you or your team.
FDM Team
Posts: 2784
Joined: Mon Jul 12, 2004 12:17 pm

Re: Still doesn't respect its own connection limits and make you banned for DDOS

Postby Alex » Tue Apr 18, 2023 4:58 pm

I've checked admin/moderators log and did not find your topic there....

Ok, please test this build and let me know if it solves your issue: ... _setup.exe ... _setup.exe

FDM development team

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