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Split downloads?

Moderators: Usher, Alex


Split downloads?

Postby OldNick » Thu Apr 29, 2021 12:56 am

I know I can estimate the time taken to download something, based on my expected download speeds. But then some sites will crawl and that of course is totally beyond my control.

Can I arrange to download a file, then ask to download only between certain hours (Satellite Off-peak) and ask to stop then start downloading the rest, again in off-peak, if the file has not been completely downloaded?

Appreciate any advice on this.

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Re: Split downloads?

Postby Alex » Thu Apr 29, 2021 11:48 am

Sorry, this is not possible for now.
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Re: Split downloads?

Postby plb7777 » Thu Apr 29, 2021 5:59 pm

it is not spliting downloads it is called as scheduling downloads. kindly try download schedule and give feedback. but let me tell you some sever only work for few hours and other limitation like credentials, IP blocking and server timeout may block your downloads. and moreover FDM doesn't support reconnecting routers and static IP for each PC. so downloading can be tricky and may cause interruption if you schedule downloads.

Re: Split downloads?

Postby Guest » Fri Apr 30, 2021 1:15 pm


I know about scheduling downloads and I have done that. But as I say I want to stop a download at a certain time if not finished, then resume at another suitable time until I have got the lot.

Re: Split downloads?

Postby Guest » Fri Apr 30, 2021 1:20 pm

Alex wrote:Hello
Sorry, this is not possible for now.

OK, thanks. Pity. As I say the distinction between available Peak data allowance and off-peak is enormous where I am, on wireless or satellite. Like 50GB peak vs 500Gb off-peak/ month. So getting downloads into that off-peak time gets critical.

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Re: Split downloads?

Postby StormJumper » Sat May 01, 2021 3:26 pm

So why do people keep using guest is there something wrong? if one wants to reply or post use their registered account to reply back. That way we know whom is doing the posting not a bot.
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Re: Split downloads?

Postby johnlgalt » Mon May 03, 2021 1:05 am

Because the boards are set up to allow guest posting. And because of that, some people don't realize that they have been logged out because they can still post, and some people post as Guest just because they can, and some people think ti is their inalienable right to be able to say what they want anonymously to avoid repercussions.

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Re: Split downloads?

Postby StormJumper » Wed May 05, 2021 7:26 pm

In other words if they Harass or cause Insurrection they don't want to take responsibility for one's action. Knowing whom post can be sure they didn't do duplicate posting for the same questions or replies causing endless dead end replies. A name to a post tells whom is asking and what if any other response it needed.
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Re: Split downloads?

Postby johnlgalt » Thu May 06, 2021 9:07 pm

Agreed. IIRC, I believe I asked the same thing a long time back. The answer was ... not really satisfactory to me, but it's not my board, so....

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Re: Split downloads?

Postby Usher » Fri May 07, 2021 12:59 pm

I would block guest posting as well, but then someone would maintain forum users database and remove very old unused accounts.
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Re: Split downloads?

Postby StormJumper » Sat May 08, 2021 4:46 pm

@Usher true but if they have a account why not use it to post to - that way we know whom is replying if hey want a correct answer to the user in question.
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Re: Split downloads?

Postby johnlgalt » Sun May 09, 2021 4:56 pm

Because, Stormjumper, of a number of reasons - some which is not always the fault of (or resultant of) the individual user.

Scenario: User comes to post something on FDM forum, but doesn't realize that they have been logged out for whatever reason (maybe an app is scheduled to clear cookies on their machine. Or maybe they were visiting a site in another tab and cleared all cookies without considering that it also clears out their login for this tab, too. User error.

The system times them out because they had a post open, say, over night, responding, or gathering data for a bug report, or whatever, and when they finish posting they are not actually logged in. (Technically) user error.

The computer (OK, the OS - I'm pointing fingers at Windows here) encounters a glitch of some sort - network, hardware, software, etc, whereby it loses the credentials that were used to log into a site / multiple sites - and the user, thinking they are still logged in, submits a reply and the post is submitted as guest. Not the user's fault - we've seen this happen numerous times, where someone posts as guest, then posts again after re-logging in again saying "that post was me" or some such.

There are numerous other scenarios, including Users with logins but too lazy to actually log in, users with logins who've forgotten their password and are too lazy to recover the account, users with no logins and too lazy to make one, etc.

Just rest assured that it is NOT always laziness, and it is NOT always the user's fault - but mostly it is .

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