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Icon Invalid

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:26 pm
by DaGMan
Can anyone tell me the format for Icons, when I upload my icon and try preview I always get Icon format is not valid. How may colours must the icon have or must it have all the available colours 16, 256, 24 bit and 32 bit?

Thanks Guys


Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:35 pm
by Da GMan

Does anyone moderate these forums???? Read these forums???
Icon not working, assistance required.


Yahoo Branded

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 2:45 am
by Da GMan
Even the Yahoo branded copy icons do not work, what gives??
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

animated icon

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 5:36 am
by teresao
to make your icon display properly, you have to change the URL for the image.

Instead of

Use :