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Re: Fake Versions
Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:39 am
by Victoria Nelson
Dear User!
Please, proceed to our Forum and download the latest version FDM 3.8 beta RC: ... =1&t=15602 (the direct download link is
Please enable browser integration ('Options -> Settings -> Monitoring') and download files by clicking on a link within your browser.
Re: Fake Versions
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:33 am
by Catsin
I just started using this, and now you guys have got me wondering if I have the real thing! How would I know if I accidentally downloaded a fake? I don't remember where I grabbed it from (no, I am not too computer/web savvy; why do you ask?). Under help/about it says the copyright holder is freedownloadmanager.ORG -- so does that mean I have the real one?
Goodness, what a world!
Re: Fake Versions
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 1:58 pm
by Usher
FDM is open source software, so programmers may use its sources to create their own binaries and installers. Some software review and download services use wrappers for original installer to promote their websites. Antivirus/antimalware programs may recognize such binaries and wrappers as adware/malware.
If you have any doubts,
use only Sourceforge site for official/final FDM releases
and links from this forum for alpha/beta/RC FDM releases.
Re: Fake Versions
Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 5:43 pm
by mahara
Would digitally signing the installer using certificate help differentiating between genuine and fake installers?
Re: Fake Versions
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 4:17 pm
by Brainphrozen
Personally I only use and found FDM through there and now I've tried it iam very impressed. It's a great piece of kit
Re: Fake Versions
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 3:03 pm
by FotS
To me, the fail safe way of making sure you have the legit software has always been going directly through the developer's website.
After all, you can digitally sign or whatever else the installer or program all day, but if the person hasn't been to the main website to know this, they'd never know the difference.
Re: Fake Versions
Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 2:02 am
by Guest
I tested "" on McAfee and it said that the site was unsafe ^^
Re: Fake Versions
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 3:00 am
by Tingrong
I've just read through this thread, below is my opinion,
1) "Free Download Manager" is really a too general name, as there are quite some "free" download managers around. "FDM" is a better name which has the option to be given more meaning than the original one in the future.
2) On the contrary, FDM should emphasize on open source and GPL-licensed instead of on "Free". So many trial software and shareware are free, "Free" does not make much difference.
3) I myself opt for FDM for it's open source not noly for it's free.
Re: Fake Versions
Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:31 pm
by mm850523
Re: Fake Versions
Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 8:01 pm
by Usher
mm850523 wrote:How about this:
Free Download Manager 3 build 852
http ://softindex. info/php/zh-CHT/download/65/Free-Download-Manager-Increase-download-speed-resume-broken-downloads/
This is a link for a very outdated FDM version. This version works OK with browsers available in Windows 98SE and Windows 2000, but it may not work properly with new browsers or new Windows versions. Yet it's still available on Sourceforge, see the link below.
mm850523 wrote:Does it is real ?
I am a Taiwaness, sorry for my english....

I'm sorry, I don't know Chinese, I don't believe Google Translator and I may be wrong in following explanations.
* If you want to download older stable FDM versions, go to Sourceforge: ... 20Manager/* If you want to download current FDM stable version, go to FDM download page:* If you want to download current beta/RC version use links provided on this forum. In most cases beta/RC versions are stable enough to be recommended for everyday use, but do always read the forum recommendations before installing.
* Do not use alpha/alfa versions if you are not advanced user.
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 8:47 pm
by someone_coming_along
just coming along this site and have the question of code authenticity, then I read this
aalaap wrote:Sebo wrote:So what about Digital signature for orginal FDM??
PGP, x509 or at least MD5 SHA1 etc
The audience that's likely to end up downloading a fake version of FDM is clearly not well conversant with stuff like PGP, MD5 and SHA1. Hell, I'm a pro and *I* still don't know what x509 is

I'd say your not a pro - and it's not a SW for me. Sorry to say.
Re: Fake Versions
Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:41 pm
by Guesst
I assume the version at is safe, correct?
Re: Fake Versions
Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:34 am
by madsere
So this is OSS? Where can I download the source code? There's a project FDM on SourceForge but it's not been updated since 2011 so I'd consider that stale. Does this website have anything to do with this project?
Re: Fake Versions
Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 11:37 pm
by Gonsalvez
Found a program that seems like a rip-off of FDM check this: http:// good download /landing.html
Re: Fake Versions
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 12:17 am
by johnlgalt
Gonsalvez wrote:Found a program that seems like a rip-off of FDM check this: http:// good download /landing.html
Definitely a copy - the help file for GDM is the original FDM help file lol....