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Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:33 am
by doblece
Rafael: If you have registered and have been accepted to be part of the translators' team, you should have received an email from your manager stating all the details to start working.
If this is so, you can login and begin translating at this url:
The interface is self-explanatory, and there is a "news" section for you to ask any related question if there is something that you do not understand.
November Payment
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 8:47 pm
by translator
And now, November payment.
18 has passed and I havent received anything. Today I read out a message from FDM stating that due to my location, I cannot not receive money via paypal and that they will start researching about XOOM option.
1. FDM knew about this since early november.
2. They investigated XOOM a couple of weeks ago, concluding in the forum that it was impossible due to FDM location.
3. Now they are researching what they already know again.
This also seems to me like a move to win some time because:
1. they do not have the money to pay
2. they do not want to pay
Any of them, this just show they are not serious employers nor payers and there is no responsiblity on their work
Re: November Payment
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 9:19 pm
by Alex
translator wrote:And now, November payment.
18 has passed and I havent received anything. Today I read out a message from FDM stating that due to my location, I cannot not receive money via paypal and that they will start researching about XOOM option.
1. FDM knew about this since early november.
2. They investigated XOOM a couple of weeks ago, concluding in the forum that it was impossible due to FDM location.
3. Now they are researching what they already know again.
This also seems to me like a move to win some time because:
1. they do not have the money to pay
2. they do not want to pay
Any of them, this just show they are not serious employers nor payers and there is no responsiblity on their work
You're wrong. Please be patient.
Re: November Payment
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 9:26 am
by Slava
A few notes about Xoom situation:
Xoom requires us to use US bank issued credit card (which we do not have atm) or ...Paypal account.
The problem is that the situation with Paypal is already getting ridiculous: on 28th I received a notification on our account being fully functional, and just a few hours later (we`ve made no operations at all) account gets a limitation from Paypal again and they need the very same documents they requested from us last time, and 2 times before that (we submitted loads of scans already).
We have dozens of thousand dollars on hold in Paypal payments so we have money to pay and we want to pay, we just can`t at the moment because our Paypal account is limited and that means we cannot pay with Xoom because we need to use this Paypal account.
Re: November Payment
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 9:35 am
by Slava
More on payments - it looks like at least a few dozen payments were completed on 28th, so there is hope with Paypal...
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 10:45 am
by doblece
Indeed, Paypal deposits seem to have started to be unblocked.
The good part of this is that now that Paypal is aware of the translation activities and that they have all the information about both sides, there will hopefully not be any more problems with them from now on

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 12:34 am
by Guest
Let's see if this will work out.
I am Guillermo Alberto Cervantes Vindiola, I'm 23 years old and I study the career for English Translation in Mexicali, Baja California. I have some good learning about software terms and words and I would like to try out for the translation job here in this forum. Pretty soon in the next semester I will graduate and I would need a job before or by then to start having some money.
Since I'm from a neighnboring region, how should I get the payment if I use a PayPal account? I'd imagine it works well for those living in the U.S., but I wonder how those living in Mexico will get the money. I live close to Calexico, BTW.
Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 3:05 pm
by El inglés
Having read the above, all I can say to you is ¡buena suerte! You're going to need it. Hay tantos hispanohablantes que saben inglés perfectamente - NOT!
Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:00 am
by cesar laguna
me interesa mucho esta oportunidad
espero recibir respuesta en mi mail
yo si pude registrarme
I can hardly believe it...
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:02 pm
by FDM Translator
I can hardly believe that most of you guys/girls cannot understand a simple process. There is a procedure: follow it.
1) DO READ the instructions on first post. There is a procedure: follow it.
2) DO NOT post your CV here, it is worthless. There is a procedure: follow it.
3.) DO NOT post your e-mail address here, it is worthless. There is a procedure: follow it.
HOW COME can you try to apply for a Translator job?, if you fail to understand simple instructions. There is a bloody procedure: follow it.
Come on, there is a procedure: read it and follow it.
FDM Actual Translator.
Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 6:28 am
by Guest
I already did gave the info on my registration form and I have completed it along with the creation of my PalPay account. Now I'm just waiting for the confirmation e-mail that I need to activate my account.
Just a small question: How many translators do you need? I'd imagine you have lots of files in your website.
Small question
Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 12:15 pm
by FDM Translator
Anonymous wrote:I already did gave the info on my registration form and I have completed it along with the creation of my PalPay account. Now I'm just waiting for the confirmation e-mail that I need to activate my account.
Just a small question: How many translators do you need? I'd imagine you have lots of files in your website.
From 'first hand' I know confirmation e-mails are quite delayed. Replying to your questions: We do have approximately 40 thousand programmes to translate, and we are around 320 people working (Translators & Managers). In past posts you can read FMD temporarily ceased hiring new translators (bear in mind this is not factual information, as up to date their hiring politics might have changed).
Best regards,
FDM Translator
1800 characters
Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:28 pm
by _Helios
I'm interested in the offer...
I'd just like to know if payment is $5 each 1800 characters (including spaces) on deliver from you, or on deliver from me?.
I mean:
1.- I receive 1800 characters to translate and get paid $5 (no matter how much i deliver)?
2.- I deliver 1800 characters and get paid $5 (no matter how much i receive)?
Just to clear things up...
Thank you...
Re: 1800 characters
Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:52 pm
by FDM Translator
_Helios wrote:I'm interested in the offer...
I'd just like to know if payment is $5 each 1800 characters (including spaces) on deliver from you, or on deliver from me?.
I mean:
1.- I receive 1800 characters to translate and get paid $5 (no matter how much i deliver)?
2.- I deliver 1800 characters and get paid $5 (no matter how much i receive)?
Just to clear things up...
Thank you...
Hi there,
You receive 1800 characters to translate (including spaces), and you will get paid U$5, no matter how much you deliver. After a while -and the previous fulfilment of some basic requisites- you will be promoted, and will get paid U$6 per each 1800 characters to translate (including spaces).
Kind regards,
FDM Translator
spanish to english or english to spanish
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:44 pm
by seanpaul spanish
i´m a spanish person,and i have a very high english level.if you want my services you can tell me. is my e-mail