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Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 9:55 am
by fautsch
In the translator editor, the number of sentences counted does not correspond to the actual number of sentences displayed on the list. The number counted is always 1 less than the real number.
For instance, I'm currently translating a software description of 17 sentences, but at the bottom of the list of sentences it says:
Total 16 sentences on this program 2381 characters
Another discrepancy: On the top right-hand corner, the translated sentence counter starts with 1 instead of zero. On the bottom of the list the total sentence counter starts with 0 (zero) instead of 1.
These discrepancies could have something to do with the problem of not being able to approve some translations. Something's not counting correctly.
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 5:56 am
by tksko
it would be great if we can see how much we earned from every approved translation in the "Approved Transtaltion" tab.
All tabs point to the Reserve Program tab
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 4:43 am
by fautsch
In the "Translations to Approve" and "Approved Translations" tabs, the index numbers at the bottom of the page point to pages in the "Reserved Programs" instead.
User Interface Error
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 6:23 am
by lasangre
My name is Abdiel León from Venezuela. I would like to know what is happenning with my UI. It shows me an error message in almost all except for the News one, including the yellow square on which the next payment amount appears.
Please, I'd love an answer.
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 6:27 am
by doblece
It is happening for everyone, I think that they are probably updating the interface, don't worry, we will surely have an answer soon

(I'm from Venezuela too, BTW)
Thank you
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 6:33 am
by lasangre
Thanks a lot for your answer. It calms me down!
I hope they fix the interface problem very soon!
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 2:00 pm
by Guest
What's the payment rate that recently has appeared in my UI?
Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 10:17 am
by Guest
Anonymous wrote:What's the payment rate that recently has appeared in my UI?
what number do you have? is it above 1 or below 1?
Extended chars not displayed in approval comments
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:34 am
by fautsch
Unable to use extended characters in comments in the approval box.
At least the following 8 characters are replaced by a question mark on approval:
ñ, ¡, ¿, á, é, í, ó, ú
Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 12:56 am
by cyclopsleo
Hi! I have been trying to use my translator interface for days, but thew only message I get is "Your account is currently disabled". I would like to know if somebody can answer the following questions...
Why does this happen?
Will this problem be solved?
Thank you.
Re: disabled?
Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 12:55 am
by paolo
cyclopsleo wrote:Hi! I have been trying to use my translator interface for days, but thew only message I get is "Your account is currently disabled". I would like to know if somebody can answer the following questions...
Why does this happen?
Will this problem be solved?
Thank you.
I'm afraid it's been disabled by your manager (or otherwise an administrator directly at FDM did it).
As a reason for doing this, I can only guess that your average rating was below 3. FDM advices managers to tell the translator in advance that this is going to happen, expressing the corresponding reasons.
I suggest you contact your manager, or Nadia if you can't reach him/her.
disabled? (II)
Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 2:21 am
by cyclopsleo
Ok, thank you very much for your help.
Now, does anybody know if they are going to pay me at least part of the money I produced? I had less then $200 in my account.
Thank you very much in advance.
Re: disabled? (II)
Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 11:33 am
by paolo
cyclopsleo wrote:Ok, thank you very much for your help.
Now, does anybody know if they are going to pay me at least part of the money I produced? I had less then $200 in my account.
Thank you very much in advance.
Of course, I guess the money you'd already earned will be transfered to your paypal account when the rest of us receive this month payment. But it's only A GUESS. Contact Nadia or other admin to be sure.
Good Luck!