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Fake Versions
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:31 am
by Clive Sorensson
Dear users!
1. We have discovered several fake products on the Internet distributed under the name Free Download Manager (, for instance). Please note that such products may contain unsolicited adverts and may be infected with viruses, spyware, etc. We recommend that you stay clear of them and only download FDM from our website.
2. FDM is a GPL product; therefore any person can use its code to develop their own GPL (note, only GPL) products. But in doing so no one is granted the right to use our brand – Free Download Manager/FDM – and its stylistics. It is illegal to play such products off FDM and/or develop non-GPL products using the FDM source code.
FDM Fakers
Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 1:03 am
by RobertX
Does qualify as a fake? To me it's a legitimate download manager that happens to have the same name.
Re: FDM Fakers
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 2:37 pm
by Guest
RobertX wrote:Does qualify as a fake? To me it's a legitimate download manager that happens to have the same name.
another asking about this site.
Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 9:13 am
by Guest
well one thing is freedownloadmanager seems to be a pretty generic name. might i suggest changing the name of this project to something more unique? (=
Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 11:36 pm
by Guest
Anonymous wrote:well one thing is freedownloadmanager seems to be a pretty generic name. might i suggest changing the name of this project to something more unique? (=
I definitely second this!
Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 3:41 pm
by Wu Hung
Anonymous wrote:well one thing is freedownloadmanager seems to be a pretty generic name. might i suggest changing the name of this project to something more unique? (=
yeah and what's next? changing the name from firefox (again) to something "more unique" just because some smart head thinks it could be a good idea to use this well known name to guide more people to their own site.
in case of it's pretty lame from these people. is their product really that bad that they need such tricks?
anyway, i guess umbra were talking about real fakes, not copy cats.
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 1:25 pm
by Shameem Mahboob
Is it safe to download Free Download Manger from ?
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 2:02 pm
by Alex
Shameem Mahboob wrote:Is it safe to download Free Download Manger from ?
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 8:55 pm
by Guest
well, is ok. is a well-known Russian software developer. Their download manager is famous and more popular in Russia than FDM. But it is a commercial product with close source. In fact, free version exclusivly for Russia and CIS exists, but it is just a beta. So it is strange that they bought this domain name.
Re: Fake Versions
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 11:26 am
by Howard Kaikow
Umbra wrote:Dear users!
1. We have found fake products in the Internet naming themselves Free Download Manager (, for instance). Such products may be harmful and infected with viruses, spyware etc. That is why we recommend you to beware of them and download FDM only from our site.
2. FDM is a GPL product; therefore any person can use its code to develop GPL (note, only GPL) products. But in doing so nobody possesses a right to use our brand – Free Download Manager/FDM – and its stylistics. It is illegal to play such products off FDM and/or develop non-GPL products using FDM codes.
How's about postimg the CRC, etc. for the download at on thje downloads page and here?
Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:02 am
by Clive Sorensson
As long as is not offering anything, we cannot consider it infringing. Should anybody venture to use that site to benefit from our name, we shall claim its illegality.
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 3:23 pm
by Guest
i personally like the name. i've been using this program for a while now and it works absolutely great! thanks!
Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:45 pm
by Sebo
So what about Digital signature for orginal FDM??
PGP, x509 or at least MD5 SHA1 etc
Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:41 am
by aalaap
Sebo wrote:So what about Digital signature for orginal FDM??
PGP, x509 or at least MD5 SHA1 etc
The audience that's likely to end up downloading a fake version of FDM is clearly not well conversant with stuff like PGP, MD5 and SHA1. Hell, I'm a pro and *I* still don't know what x509 is

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:52 am
by aalaap
Anonymous wrote:well one thing is freedownloadmanager seems to be a pretty generic name. might i suggest changing the name of this project to something more unique? (=
I agree with this.
The first time I heard about FDM (several years ago), I was going to dismiss it as just another download manager such as "Internet Download Manager" which was crap. That time, my favorite was Mass Downloader which I had been using for several years. Still, I love to experiment and consequently have an opinion on things, so I decided to try out FDM. And boy, was I surprised!
Older versions of FDM were a little less feature-ful when compared to Mass Downloader, so I didn't switch to it completely, but since version 2.x, FDM has replaced MD on all my systems and my friend's systems too. I've become quite an FDM evangelist since then. It's one of the first apps I install on a new system.
Long story, but what I'm trying to say is that if I wasn't the experimenting types, I'd never have downloaded a product that has "Free" and its purpose making up the whole name of the product. Free Video Encoder? No, thanks. Free Music Player? Nah. Free Operating System? LOL, No way.
Shall we have a thread where people can suggest some new names for FDM? If we all like and agree on a good one, maybe we can ask the developers to consider changing the name!
- Aalaap