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Posts: 33
Joined: Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:22 am


Postby captorx » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:31 pm


Two Ideas.

1. Ability to Edit Approved Translations

I don't know if this is possible. Imagine that you have finished reading a translation, and you have already pressed approve button. But, then, you realize there's an HTML Tag <br> inside of one description, or there was a word misspelled that you didn't see before, or just by mistake you approved something that you shouldn't. Then, you may want to edit the translation you have approved, but you can't. In case of a translator, we suppose that his/her manager will detect the error and correct it or send for re-translate, but in case of a manager, you're unable to edit because it's already uneditable. I know we can't be editing the same descriptions forever, and we must pay attention before approving anything, but there should be a way to edit the approved translations, for a period of time, maybe some days or a week, and maybe only for managers in order to correct unseen errors.

2. "Not Reserve" Button

In this case, you can reserve a description of a program, but maybe, after a while, you realize you don't want to translate that software because X reason. So, you may want to "not reserve" that program. But it's not possible, since one time the program is reserved by you, you can't erase it from "Reserved Tab".

These two options would help translators and managers to make better translations. In real life people can change its mind about anything, but this is important specially when you want to correct a mistake. Or what do you think about it?
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Posts: 30
Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2004 3:34 pm

Postby admin » Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:08 am


Thank you very much for your ideas! I guess they make sense. We'll think about implementing them into the system.

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