Opera Integration HowTo
Opera Integration HowTo
Many people are complaining about how hard it is to integrate FDM into Opera. I've found several ways to do that, including the "Download all with FDM" functionality. And as I am a very good person I will share my findings
First we have the "Download with FDM" line in the right-click menu. This is very easy to make. I've already posted this in another thread, but an "all in one" thread would be better.
All we have to do is add 1 line in 2 places of one of Opera's .ini files
%opera% means the dir where Opera is installed (usially c:\Program Files\Opera).
1) Goto
and copy
NOTE: If during Opera's instalation you have selected to install it for every user on the system, the profile will bi in another place. Actually there will be 1 profile folder for every user on the system. They will be located in c:\Doccuments and Settings\[user name]\Application Data\Opera\Opera. Also the "Application Data" folder is hidden and not normly not visible. Easiest way to get to it is by going to "Start > Run", typing %appdata% (with the %) and hitting OK. This will opena the needed folder.
2) Open standard_menu.ini this file with a text editor and change the following:
- change the name (line 7) into "Opera Standard with FDM extension"
- search for the categories
[Link Popup Menu] and [Image Link Popup Menu]
and add the following line to both categories:
Item, "Download with FDM" = Execute program, "C:\Program Files\Free Download Manager\fdm.exe","%l"
That is a lowercase L after the last %
- save the file and start Opera
3) Goto "Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Toolbars and Menus" and highlight the new entry "Opera Standard with FDM extension" in the field "Menu setup"
4) Press "OK" and that's it! Now you can download link-targets (both
text- AND image-links) by right-clicking on a link and choose
"Download with FDM".
Now for the "Download ALL with FDM" thingy:
I think the best way to do that is using the Links pannel in Opera. There you can select what you want to download by holding down CTRL and left-clicking the links.
All we have to do is add 1 line in the same file as above.
Do step one from above (if you haven't already) and open standard_menu.ini[b]. Here look for the [b][Links Panel Item Menu] (this is the first categoty), insert this line
Item, "Download with FDM" = Copy & Execute program, "C:\Program Files\Free Download Manager\fdm.exe","%c"
and that's it!! Now just open the Links pannel, hold down CTRL, select what you want, right-click and select "Download with FDM".
NOTE: I guess that if "Monitor clipboard" is enabled in FDM, it will screw things up, so disable it just in case.
Interesting fact is that this feature is unique for FDM. For example, you can't make that work with FlashGet, as it will not understand the links passed this way (many links on a single line). So I can just applaud FDM's developers for not forgeting the command line interface, like many developers of programs for Windows

First we have the "Download with FDM" line in the right-click menu. This is very easy to make. I've already posted this in another thread, but an "all in one" thread would be better.
All we have to do is add 1 line in 2 places of one of Opera's .ini files
%opera% means the dir where Opera is installed (usially c:\Program Files\Opera).
1) Goto
and copy
NOTE: If during Opera's instalation you have selected to install it for every user on the system, the profile will bi in another place. Actually there will be 1 profile folder for every user on the system. They will be located in c:\Doccuments and Settings\[user name]\Application Data\Opera\Opera. Also the "Application Data" folder is hidden and not normly not visible. Easiest way to get to it is by going to "Start > Run", typing %appdata% (with the %) and hitting OK. This will opena the needed folder.
2) Open standard_menu.ini this file with a text editor and change the following:
- change the name (line 7) into "Opera Standard with FDM extension"
- search for the categories
[Link Popup Menu] and [Image Link Popup Menu]
and add the following line to both categories:
Item, "Download with FDM" = Execute program, "C:\Program Files\Free Download Manager\fdm.exe","%l"
That is a lowercase L after the last %
- save the file and start Opera
3) Goto "Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Toolbars and Menus" and highlight the new entry "Opera Standard with FDM extension" in the field "Menu setup"
4) Press "OK" and that's it! Now you can download link-targets (both
text- AND image-links) by right-clicking on a link and choose
"Download with FDM".
Now for the "Download ALL with FDM" thingy:
I think the best way to do that is using the Links pannel in Opera. There you can select what you want to download by holding down CTRL and left-clicking the links.
All we have to do is add 1 line in the same file as above.
Do step one from above (if you haven't already) and open standard_menu.ini[b]. Here look for the [b][Links Panel Item Menu] (this is the first categoty), insert this line
Item, "Download with FDM" = Copy & Execute program, "C:\Program Files\Free Download Manager\fdm.exe","%c"
and that's it!! Now just open the Links pannel, hold down CTRL, select what you want, right-click and select "Download with FDM".
NOTE: I guess that if "Monitor clipboard" is enabled in FDM, it will screw things up, so disable it just in case.
Interesting fact is that this feature is unique for FDM. For example, you can't make that work with FlashGet, as it will not understand the links passed this way (many links on a single line). So I can just applaud FDM's developers for not forgeting the command line interface, like many developers of programs for Windows

Nice to see, that other people discover the same things that I use for long time (also with other download mangers).
Here are some further improvements:
1. You don't need to copy the whole standard_menu.ini. Just keep the needed categories in the modified copy. Opera gets rest from the standard file automatically. This way you keep up with changes made to the original file when updating Opera. And the file is less confusing.
2. The "Download all with FDM" is not working like in IE, but that is not Operas fault. FDM will ask for every single file passed on the commandline to FDM. (BTW.: It was my idea to make FDM being able to recognize multiple addresses instead of one wrong "long" address when copying from Links panel: http://freedownloadmanager.org/board/vi ... php?t=1214 ).
It would be better if FDM recognizes automatically multiple addresses and uses the normal "Download all" Dialog with filter options etc.
But Opera would not be Opera if there weren't a solution for this:
The Links panel offers a filter option itself: Just write .zip or .exe what ever to quick-search field and Opera will only show those links containing this string (not necessarily the file type, but in most cases it works well)
I created a special button for Operas Links panel which automatically copys all this filtered links and runs FDM in silent mode (Also one of the features I asked alex for)
Silent mode is triggered with -fs command line option and prevents from popping up FDMs main window and forces all file to be downloaded silently.
To install this button, click on the following link:
(after first click you get an error, click the link again and it works)
After clicking "ok", you can drag this new button to your links panel.
This button is made for FDM in standard program folder (c:\program files\\free download manager\fdm.exe). If your path is different change the path in the ini-file in profile\toolbar\ folder.
You can also use the -fs option in the modified menu.ini file. The whole line in the ini file would look like this:
You can even make FDM the default download manager without using the plugin ("Browser monitoring" option). This will work for every file type not only for those the plugin knows of:
Go to Tools -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Download
Double click those file types you want to be handled by FDM. Choose "Open with other application" and "Pass web address directly to application" The commandline should be
or for silent mode
Note: The double "quotes" are important!

Here are some further improvements:
1. You don't need to copy the whole standard_menu.ini. Just keep the needed categories in the modified copy. Opera gets rest from the standard file automatically. This way you keep up with changes made to the original file when updating Opera. And the file is less confusing.

2. The "Download all with FDM" is not working like in IE, but that is not Operas fault. FDM will ask for every single file passed on the commandline to FDM. (BTW.: It was my idea to make FDM being able to recognize multiple addresses instead of one wrong "long" address when copying from Links panel: http://freedownloadmanager.org/board/vi ... php?t=1214 ).
It would be better if FDM recognizes automatically multiple addresses and uses the normal "Download all" Dialog with filter options etc.
But Opera would not be Opera if there weren't a solution for this:
The Links panel offers a filter option itself: Just write .zip or .exe what ever to quick-search field and Opera will only show those links containing this string (not necessarily the file type, but in most cases it works well)
I created a special button for Operas Links panel which automatically copys all this filtered links and runs FDM in silent mode (Also one of the features I asked alex for)
Silent mode is triggered with -fs command line option and prevents from popping up FDMs main window and forces all file to be downloaded silently.
To install this button, click on the following link:
(after first click you get an error, click the link again and it works)
After clicking "ok", you can drag this new button to your links panel.
This button is made for FDM in standard program folder (c:\program files\\free download manager\fdm.exe). If your path is different change the path in the ini-file in profile\toolbar\ folder.
You can also use the -fs option in the modified menu.ini file. The whole line in the ini file would look like this:
Code: Select all
Item, "Download with FDM" = Execute program,"C:\Program Files\Free Download Manager\fdm.exe", "-fs %l"
You can even make FDM the default download manager without using the plugin ("Browser monitoring" option). This will work for every file type not only for those the plugin knows of:
Go to Tools -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Download
Double click those file types you want to be handled by FDM. Choose "Open with other application" and "Pass web address directly to application" The commandline should be
Code: Select all
C:\Program Files\Free Download Manager\fdm.exe
or for silent mode
Code: Select all
"C:\Program Files\Free Download Manager\fdm.exe" -fs
Note: The double "quotes" are important!
cool stuff
btw, I've also noticed that bug with the "new line" instead of space between the arguments. I'll report it at opera forums and hopefully they will fix that before Opera 9 is released. I tried to make my own parsers for other programs, but the problem is that in C++ I get ALL the arguments in argv[1]. This is still a minor problem, but if you have too many links/chars (about 2050+ chars) it reaches some internal limit/overflow in Opera and doesn't work
. I hope they fix it.

btw, I've also noticed that bug with the "new line" instead of space between the arguments. I'll report it at opera forums and hopefully they will fix that before Opera 9 is released. I tried to make my own parsers for other programs, but the problem is that in C++ I get ALL the arguments in argv[1]. This is still a minor problem, but if you have too many links/chars (about 2050+ chars) it reaches some internal limit/overflow in Opera and doesn't work

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I'm sorry, but I can't make the silent mode switch work... If I put the -fs ahead, like this:
the file url passed to FDM ends with a %22 (I assume it is a space), and any other way it doesn't work properly...
What is the correct command?
Code: Select all
Item, "Download with FDM" = Execute program, "C:\Program Files\Free Download Manager\fdm.exe", "-fs %l"
the file url passed to FDM ends with a %22 (I assume it is a space), and any other way it doesn't work properly...
What is the correct command?
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