Dear Users! Please post bug reports about FDM here!

FDM 5.1

Moderators: Usher, Alex


Re: Version 5.1.11 released

Postby Guest » Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:54 pm

D. Yessa wrote:
Guest wrote:I request to get back wide window again, please.

Thanks, Ralf


Thanks, but... :D

Repaired in v5.1.11:
+ wide window is back
+ counts letters and shows message if file name is too long

Still a bug in v5.1.11 but was 100 % OK before v5.1.10:
- When switching from FDM wide window to e.g. browser and back, in 50 % the window is not selected. One need to click on it.
- Moreover: when switching from FDM wide window to browser and back, about 50 % the window is not selected and lost the cursor where I was editing. One has to search the place and place the cursor by mouse to proceed with editing.

Unfortunately, I nearly always need to switch between browser and FDM to add important information to the file names of the documentations. File names help me to search and find them (as one cannot search inside a mp4). Then I request please to check issue of loosing focus of download window and loosing cursor in file name when switching back to FDM v5.1.11. Thank you :D :D

Re: FDM 5.1 Beta

Postby Guest » Sat Apr 30, 2016 10:53 pm

To previous post an addition:

1.) After switching back from other software to FDM v5.1.11, it is also not possible to close window with ESC because window is not in focus.

2.) FDM v5.1.11 calculates the length of file name and one cannot press DOWNLOAD until length is OK. But there is a bug in software because download window does not show an error message because of length. But in the list of FDM there appears an error (in column "status"): "the syntax for file name, folder name or disk name is wrong"

Can you please examine these bugs?

Thanky :D

Re: FDM 5.1 Beta

Postby Guest » Sat Apr 30, 2016 10:57 pm

To previous post a 2nd addition:

As file name may be too long and FDM has a possibility to rename files, how can I rename the file, please? I cannot download again the file because it is not in server any more but in memory for24 hours to resume. Then, how can I rename the file, please :?:

Thanks :D
Posts: 10
Joined: Sun Mar 27, 2016 9:19 am

Re: FDM 5.1 Beta

Postby User6545 » Sun May 01, 2016 8:28 am

Clive Sorensson wrote:The issue has been fixed in the FDM extension 2.1.4 for Chrome. The update will be available in a couple of hours.

Seems like the bug has been resolved. Thanks :)

| FDM: v5.1.11.3817 (2c987e6)
| Extension: v2.1.4 (Chrome)


Re: FDM 5.1 Beta

Postby bones » Mon May 02, 2016 5:11 am

can you please add an option, that a download starts directly (if you click on a link) without asking the destination folder? This was possible in 3.9 fdm. Thanks a lot.

Re: FDM 5.1 Beta

Postby username » Mon May 02, 2016 1:47 pm

will browsernativehost and winwfpmonitor always stay in my task manager?
Posts: 9
Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2007 4:57 am

Re: FDM 5.1 Beta

Postby feeks » Thu May 05, 2016 8:11 am

Congratulations of the new version :)

+1 for virus scan integration

Default file download option is to Rename the file (i.e. auto-increment) if the file exists in target location, I would prefer Over-write but better option would be choice as per previous FDM versions
Clive Sorensson
FDM Team
Posts: 1396
Joined: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:06 pm

Re: FDM 5.1 Beta

Postby Clive Sorensson » Thu May 05, 2016 8:21 am

MisterMyth1992 wrote:Can i download portable version 5.1?

Unfortunately, the portable version isn't supported for now.
Clive Sorensson
FDM Team
Posts: 1396
Joined: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:06 pm

Re: FDM 5.1 Beta

Postby Clive Sorensson » Thu May 05, 2016 8:28 am

bones wrote:can you please add an option, that a download starts directly (if you click on a link) without asking the destination folder? This was possible in 3.9 fdm. Thanks a lot.

We're working on it. Thank you for the suggestion.
Clive Sorensson
FDM Team
Posts: 1396
Joined: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:06 pm

Re: FDM 5.1 Beta

Postby Clive Sorensson » Thu May 05, 2016 8:33 am

username wrote:will browsernativehost and winwfpmonitor always stay in my task manager?

These are the supporting processes that enable browser integration. So, they can't be removed from your task manager. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Posts: 18
Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2016 11:40 am

Re: FDM 5.1 Beta

Postby Renz1er » Thu May 05, 2016 8:52 am

----- Bug Report -----

Graphical issue. Reported by a windows 10 user before, this also occurs in windows 7.
Clive Sorensson
FDM Team
Posts: 1396
Joined: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:06 pm

Re: Version 5.1.11 released

Postby Clive Sorensson » Thu May 05, 2016 8:59 am

Guest wrote:I request please to check issue of loosing focus of download window and loosing cursor in file name when switching back to FDM v5.1.11.

After switching back from other software to FDM v5.1.11, it is also not possible to close window with ESC because window is not in focus.

We're already working on the issue. It should be fixed in the nearest releases. Thank you for the report.
Clive Sorensson
FDM Team
Posts: 1396
Joined: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:06 pm

Re: FDM 5.1 Beta

Postby Clive Sorensson » Thu May 05, 2016 9:03 am

Guest wrote:FDM v5.1.11 calculates the length of file name and one cannot press DOWNLOAD until length is OK. But there is a bug in software because download window does not show an error message because of length. But in the list of FDM there appears an error (in column "status"): "the syntax for file name, folder name or disk name is wrong"

Please indicate what type of downloads it was. Was it a torrent? Could you please give us the URL where you encountered the issue?

Re: FDM 5.1 Beta

Postby Guest » Sat May 07, 2016 12:04 pm

Clive Sorensson wrote:
Guest wrote:FDM v5.1.11 calculates the length of file name and one cannot press DOWNLOAD until length is OK. But there is a bug in software because download window does not show an error message because of length. But in the list of FDM there appears an error (in column "status"): "the syntax for file name, folder name or disk name is wrong"

Please indicate what type of downloads it was. Was it a torrent? Could you please give us the URL where you encountered the issue?

Here is an example (sorry please that the file name is in German). One can click "DOWNLOAD":
Wissen vor acht - Mensch - Kann man mit den Augen hören_Wissen vor acht - Mensch - Kann man mit den Augen hören_Wissen vor acht - Mensch - Kann man mit den Augen hören_Wissen vor acht - Mensch - Kann man mit den Augen hör_2016-04-07_19451234567.mp4

But FDM FDM v5.1.11 gives out an error => "the syntax for file name, folder name or disk name is wrong"

Used destination path is o:\
Used link (sorry, the file is accessible 24 hours from now on): ... 1d_1/?m=dl

Too long file name => Not possible to click "download" (OK):
Wissen vor acht - Mensch - Kann man mit den Augen hören_Wissen vor acht - Mensch - Kann man mit den Augen hören_Wissen vor acht - Mensch - Kann man mit den Augen hören_Wissen vor acht - Mensch - Kann man mit den Augen hör_2016-04-07_194512345678.mp4

Long file name is 1 character shortened => Possible to click download but error (not good):
Wissen vor acht - Mensch - Kann man mit den Augen hören_Wissen vor acht - Mensch - Kann man mit den Augen hören_Wissen vor acht - Mensch - Kann man mit den Augen hören_Wissen vor acht - Mensch - Kann man mit den Augen hör_2016-04-07_19451234567.mp4

Long file name is even 4 characters shortened => Possible to click download but error (not good):
Wissen vor acht - Mensch - Kann man mit den Augen hören_Wissen vor acht - Mensch - Kann man mit den Augen hören_Wissen vor acht - Mensch - Kann man mit den Augen hören_Wissen vor acht - Mensch - Kann man mit den Augen hör_2016-04-07_1945123.mp4

Long file name is even 1 character shortened => Possible to click download and no error (OK):
Wissen vor acht - Mensch - Kann man mit den Augen hören_Wissen vor acht - Mensch - Kann man mit den Augen hören_Wissen vor acht - Mensch - Kann man mit den Augen hören_Wissen vor acht - Mensch - Kann man mit den Augen hör_2016-04-07_194512.mp4

PS: if path is changed from o:\ to e.g. o:\downloads\ then I think that long file names must be shorter. It would be good if FDM can calculate the file length that is really possible.

Thank you, regards, Ralf

Re: FDM 5.1 Beta

Postby Jongla » Mon May 09, 2016 9:04 am

I like the new UI.
But i completely miss some features in this new version.
i would love if they are brought back:
1.Download properties.There are a lot of websites,from where the download links get expired i used to generate a new link then and replace it from the download properties.
2.Download info while in progress.It is always a extra relief to see the download is going on fine.So speed always at bottom saves the time to open the whole app.
3.Increase or decrease connection count manually.

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