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Done with FDM

Moderators: Usher, Alex

Arete One

Done with FDM

Postby Arete One » Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:27 am

Just wanted to post a note to let you know that after a number of years of using FDM, I'm finally giving up and uninstalling it from my system. It's simply not worth all the problems I've been having trying to get downloads to finish, and in many cases, even start. In contrast, the download functionality that's part of Firefox always works, and it downloads more files at once than I've been able to get FDM to execute. This is especially true when trying to d/l zip files from Easynews, but it's also the case on a number of other sites I d/l from, such as TWiT.

FDM used to be an invaluable tool, back when native browser d/l functionality was rudimentary. Now, not only does the browser d/l manager do the job, it does it much more reliably (albeit a tad slower) than FDM.

Nothing lasts for forever. Thanks, but I've spent more than enough time on this, and it's clear FDM can't do the job anymore.

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