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Torrent Download speed at 0 B/s for 2 days.

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 3:12 am
by emonchan
Hello Helpers,

Please guide me why FDM download is not working. Speed remains at 0 B/s for 2 days. I have submit help earlier but no reply. The download works when downloading non torrent file. But for torrent file, it is not working. Your precious helps will be very much appreciated. Thank You


Re: Torrent Download speed at 0 B/s for 2 days.

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 8:45 pm
by StormJumper
You have to provide the site your having issues with or URL so others can verify the issue? Did you also consider if this is a torrent file that the ISP could be throttling your torrent usage as well. So more info is needed here.

Re: Torrent Download speed at 0 B/s for 2 days.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 12:11 pm
by Usher
No seeding is a normal state for many torrents. Read the old explanation, please, it's still valid:
Now I can add that some sites may be blocked by internet security software (antivirus suite in your PC,, firewall in your router etc.) or by your ISP provider (on DNS server). Use your search engine to find proper solution if it is your case.

Re: Torrent Download speed at 0 B/s for 2 days.

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 10:03 pm
by Maikel Glez
Perdone por escribir en español.
Gracias por este maravilloso programa del que extraño las descargas de YouTube.
A mi me pasa lo mismo. No puedo descargar torrent. Ni en ningún otro programa, ni en Android, ni en Linux. ¿Será que nos habrán prohibido descargar torrent desde Cuba? He investigado he intentado mucho pero no lo consigo.
Le agradecería su ayuda por favor.