Dear Users! Please post bug reports about FDM here!

German Translation for FDM 3.0.843 FINAL FINISHED

Moderators: Usher, Alex



Postby Yhadfaqn » Mon Dec 17, 2007 9:42 pm



Postby Olqewfsasadqeqade » Mon Dec 17, 2007 11:02 pm



Postby Wdfsdfguwewdtgs » Tue Dec 18, 2007 1:25 am

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Postby User_99 » Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:16 pm

Free Download Manager 2.5.753


== BUILD 753 ==
[-] Bittorrent: progress tab did not show valid information when download was completed
[-] Bittorrent: restart download did not work

== BUILD 752 ==
[+] Support for non English names of files downloaded via HTTP protocol
[+] Bittorrent: peers tab improved
[-] Bittorrent 99% bug fixed
[-] Bittorrent: invalid characters in the names of peers
[-] Bittorrent: crash sometimes when stop download.
[-] Another bug of Bittorrent downloads
[-] FDM has lost login info of a download sometimes after performing the "query size" command
[-] Downloads info window was shown empty sometimes

== BUILD 745 ==
[+] Bittorrent: optimizations and improvements
[+] Option: prevent computer from stand by while downloading

== BUILD 738 ==
[+] Firefox 3 support.
[+] Netscape 9 support.
[-] Interface bug in Bittorent settings.
[*] Uploader's integration components were removed.

== BUILD 737 ==
[-] Two interface bugs.

== BUILD 736 ==
[-] "Time left" column in the list of downloads shown nothing.

== BUILD 735 ==
[*] Performance speed optimizations for Bittorrent downloads
[-] Sometimes downloads can't be downloaded from Site Explorer
[-] "Not completed+Recent" filter shown too old downloads
[-] Downloads list sorting bug
[-] Some bugs of FDM's Bittorrent downloads

== BUILD 731 ==
[-] Crash sometimes when downloading from Internet Explorer
Last edited by User_99 on Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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german translation

Postby daniel337 » Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:35 pm

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Postby User_99 » Thu Jul 31, 2008 4:59 pm

Free Download Manager 2.5.758


== BUILD 758 ==
[-] Scheduler: did not remove autostart mode from stopped downloads.
[-] Bittorrent: some bug fixes

== BUILD 755 ==
[-] Bittorrent: FDM might freeze when deleting download

NO CHANGES in Language file!!!
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Postby Alex » Fri Aug 01, 2008 5:14 pm

Please see 2.6 BETA.
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Postby User_99 » Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:48 pm

Free Download Manager 2.6.792


== BUILD 792 ==
In 2.6.792 BETA version of FDM we have changed the structure of FDM's settings.
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Free Download Manager 2.6.805

Postby User_99 » Sun Sep 21, 2008 11:55 am

Free Download Manager 2.6.805
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Re: Free Download Manager 2.6.829

Postby User_99 » Fri Dec 05, 2008 6:46 pm

Free Download Manager 2.6 Build 829 BETA verfügbar!


[+] Option to set limit by time when FDM may start downloads
[*] HTML Spider: optimization for more speed
[-] Fixed a conflict with Skype
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Postby User_99 » Sat Dec 27, 2008 8:09 pm

Free Download Manager 3.0 Build 841 RC verfügbar!
Last edited by User_99 on Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby crepina » Sun Dec 28, 2008 10:33 am


habe versucht zu verstehen um was es hier geht. ohne Erfolg. Ich suche freedownload software zum uebersetzen franzoesisch-deutsch-franzoesisch. Es ist so das ich nach Madagascar fahre und nicht franzoesisch spreche. Es ist nicht moeglich fuer laptop Internetanschlus zu bekommen. Daher bin ich auf software angewiesen. Wer hat eine Idee?
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Postby User_99 » Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:05 pm

Next version of FDM - 3.0 build 843 available.

What is new in it:

[i][+] Apple Safari and Google Chrome browsers support
[+] FDM plugins support
[+] Bittorrent tab
[+] Bittorrent: download only the selected files of a torrent
[+] Bittorrent: set the files priorities
[+] Bittorrent: create new torrent
[+] Option to not check if download with the same URL exists in the list
[+] Option to not save the list of recent downloads
[+] avast! Antivirus support
[+] Portable version: works under Vista and non admin accounts
[+] Portable version: portable Firefox support
[+] Option to set limit by time when FDM may start downloads
[+] Metalink: support multi file metalinks
[+], support
[*] New structure of FDM's settings
[*] Optimizations for Bittorrent downloads
[*] HTML Spider: optimization for more speed
[*] Support downloads from Yahoo mail
[-] Firefox may hang sometimes due to FDM
[-] FDM can't download files >2GB via HTTPS
[-] FDM may freeze for some time during Bittorrent downloads
[-] Bittorrent: number of uploaded bytes and share ratio was not shown correctly
[-] Explorer was crashing under Vista due to FDM
[-] FTP did not download via proxy
[-] Fixed a conflict with Skype
[-] General bug fixes

Deutsche Sprachdatei (für Voll- und Light-Version von FDM) hier: Download oder Mirror (mittels \\\'Ziel speichern unter...\\\')

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Postby daniel337 » Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:37 pm


Very quick language file update, as always in the past.

Great job, thank you very much!!! :D

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Postby daniel337 » Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:40 am


Na, ich glaube, in dem Forum hier kann ich dann wohl auch gleich auf Deutsch schreiben ... :-)

Ich habe mal eine Frage zur Übersetzung für die Browser-Plugins:

Wenn ich aus dem IE heraus das Kontextmenü öffne, werden dort alle Einträge vom FDM-Plugin sauber auf Deutsch angezeigt.
Wenn ich in meinem Standardbrowser Firefox - wo ich das Plugin nach dem letzten Update schon einmal über die FDM-Option entfernt und wieder neu registriert habe - das Menü öffne, stehen alle Einträge dort in Englisch drin.

Das habe ich schon sehr lange so drin, jetzt wollte ich aber doch mal fragen, wo diese Einträge für die Sprache stehen und ob es eine Chance gibt, auch diese Menüpunkte, die man eben sehr häufig zu Gesicht bekommt, auch noch einzudeutschen.

Wäre toll!


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