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Edit cookies for a download manually, it doesn't auto-update

Moderators: Usher, Alex

Posts: 8
Joined: Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:53 am

Edit cookies for a download manually, it doesn't auto-update

Postby micro » Sat Jul 28, 2012 11:21 am


I stopped a file while downloading. Now upon starting server refuses to send data because the cookies have expired or something.

I am able to log-in and click the download link in Firefox and get it for download again, and when the FDM's "New download" pops up I can even click the "Query Size" button and get size, but after clicking "OK" I'm asked "Download with the same url exists..." with Resume, Restart, etc buttons. When I click "Resume" FDM sends a request to the server with the OLD COOKIE VALUES (PHPSESSID, etc are different with what I see on my browser, they still have the old value).

Now can I force it to reload cookies and use new ones? Can I send the cookies manually?

Actually I stopped a 250 MiB file at its 90%. I don't want to download it again, please help me! :cry:

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