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Download Root, Hard Coded?

Moderators: Usher, Alex

Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Jul 15, 2004 11:31 pm
Location: U.K.

Download Root, Hard Coded?

Postby 127_0_0_1 » Thu Jul 15, 2004 11:37 pm

Just thought I'd ask...

Despite a good look around, I can't find any way of changing the default download root. It seems to be hard coded to create \Downloads.

Am I missing something here?
Posts: 58
Joined: Wed Jul 14, 2004 12:55 pm
Location: The netherlands

Postby CyGho » Fri Jul 16, 2004 12:16 am

Click in the left section of the main window with the right mouse buton on a group and choose Group Properties. There you can change the default folder for that group

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