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Hungarian translation (Updated for FDM 1.8) !!!

Moderators: Usher, Alex

Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Jul 23, 2004 2:32 pm

Postby Louie » Sat Sep 10, 2005 9:02 am

Wait your lang file for 1.9 version!

Re: Hungarian translation (Updated for FDM 1.8) !!!

Postby Guest » Thu Feb 15, 2007 2:29 pm

gLes wrote:Hi!

I spent my last five hours translating FDM to Hungarian (instead of sleeping ofcourse :shock:) and it's finally finished! (Spellchecked and all...)

I'd just like to add a few things I noticed during the translation. Some missed strings and stuff like that:

First of all, the "What's This?" menu that pops up in most of the dialogs is missing from the list of translatable strings, as well as the "Ready" string in the statusbar, not to mention the "Language" menuitem in the View menu (but I have a shrewd idea that this last one was on purpose 8)).

In the "Create batch download" dialog the "Login required" checkbox doesn't last till the right side of the dialog, so the end of the Hungarian translation of this string is cut off in this dialog, although in other dialogs the checkbox is long enough, so I'd say it needs a little "lengthening" :)

In the Task properties dialog, on the bottom of the second tab you should add a seperate "min." string cause now it uses a previous one from another dialog and in the Hungarian translation here I should use another form of the word and so this one looks a little funny now...

And finally I'd have a little feature request, if you don't mind (I'm sure you don't :D): it'd be nice to add the "Create batch download" menuitem to the tray and drop box menus too, I mean, if you weren't planning to do so in the first place...

I'd also like to know when and where does the language file become "official", I mean, where will you publish it? (I haven't found any published language files on the site so far, am I doing something wrong? :)) Cause when it's out, I'd like to commend your program to a Hungarian site named Localizators Workshop, as far as you don't mind :)

If I weren't so short of time now in the middle of the summer, then I'd start translating the helpfile too, but I think I'll leave that till later when I have some spare time...

And almost forgot the language file itself:

Best regards,

Postby oldboy » Thu Apr 12, 2007 4:31 pm

Hahó!!! Valaki még foglalkozik a magyarítással???

Postby doky7 » Sun May 06, 2007 7:11 am

Én is ezt kérdem !! Wo ist ungarn lang ??
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Joined: Wed Jul 18, 2007 6:37 am

Postby apptransteam » Wed Jul 18, 2007 6:45 am


Hosszú idő után elkészítettem egy frissített honosítást a legújabb béta verzióhoz (2.3 BETA 6), mivel már nagyon elhanyagolt volt a dolog. A fordításban nagy segítségemre volt Kozma Vilmos, aki folyamatosan tesztelte az általam készített honosítást.

Remélem mindenkinek elnyeri tetszését.

A honosítással kapcsolatos észrevételeket várom e-mail-ben vagy a honlapomon található fórumban.

A honosítás tölthető innen a program honlapjáról, de a legfrissebb javított nyelvi fájl mindig a honlapomról lesz letölthető:


Toldy Zoltán
Application Translator Team a szoftverhonosító csapat

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