We have nothing to translate ages ago, but... WHAT ABOUT OUR PAYMENT?
Being today May 7th, the payments for March and April remain unpaid. And the admin´s answers contain no precisions.
They say "We´re considering another ways of payment" and "we will pay as soon as we can".
That´s useless for us in need of that money to buy food, pay bills or whatever. We´ve worked hard, FDM has our money and they don´t even promise to pay in a certain date.
Is this the final GAME OVER?
Being today May 7th, the payments for March and April remain unpaid. And the admin´s answers contain no precisions.
They say "We´re considering another ways of payment" and "we will pay as soon as we can".
That´s useless for us in need of that money to buy food, pay bills or whatever. We´ve worked hard, FDM has our money and they don´t even promise to pay in a certain date.
Is this the final GAME OVER?
Game OVER !!!
Dude, it is game over, I have the same issue as yours, I have made translations since November from last year and believe me i have been provide with all kind of excuses and run around answers, I also have an email contact form some one who handle the payment coordination and so on. My case is worst because since the first time I start performing the translations believe me I HAVE NEVER BEEN PAID, alway and excuse always policy that stop the payments, they ask you to resign because that will make them pay you faster and it's a lie I have about a month that I resign and still waiting or all the money they own me, any one can think this a FRAUD..!!! FDM is not serious. The think that most wonder me was that the managers asking for quality, asking to be professional and productive but where are the managers, my one do not even answer my emails even that send copies to him, the contact from FDM answer me once at week if she wants...hey this people play games like this and get benefits from it..!!!! FDM is not a RESPONSIBLE or TRUSTABLE COMPANY
and if you want I have copies of all th emails that I have send and also the ones where they confirm that they will pay but never say when!!

and if you want I have copies of all th emails that I have send and also the ones where they confirm that they will pay but never say when!!

The managers are/were people like you and me, recruited at the same level as translators and due to their higher level of language precision, were promoted to a manageurial position from the start, but this is to say that they are at the same level as we all are here, waiting for payments.
Managers are freelance, not from FDM.
Managers are freelance, not from FDM.
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