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some suggestions and a lot of praise

Moderators: Usher, Alex

gregory rudi

some suggestions and a lot of praise

Postby gregory rudi » Mon Jul 19, 2004 1:32 pm


first of all, thanks for FDM, it really rocks. you should get a paypal account or something (unless you alrady have one that i didnt notice) cos this program is going to be big

i have some suggestions that i think will improve the program. being an old flashget user there are some flashget features that i miss

1: hangup/shutdown when done buttons in buttonbar
2:autoclose FDM when all downloads are finished
3: autodelete finished downloads from list
4: graphical progress and speed bar
5: more speed modes, or a speed slider like in manual mode in flashget
6: firefox download is badly needed, ive tried to implement it using the sample configurations from but i cant get it to work. what would the command for FDM be here ?
7: bookmarks in site explorer
8: speed and progress shown in tray icon ?
9: in traffric usage modes, how about a 'idle mode' meaning that fdm will only use bandwidth that isnt in use by oher apps
10: ability to handle torrents ?
11: some dodgy sites, particularly asian ones wont let you download using anything other than flashget. is there a way to fool them into thinking fdm is flashget ? will it work ?

thanks again for this great tool. please try to keep it minimalistic :) no skins please, and if u do implement skins make sure theres an option to turn skins off completely

apologies if some of these requests have been discussed alraedy, or if the features requested alraedy exist and i just havent spotted them yet

Postby Tim » Thu Jul 22, 2004 3:32 am

I second the first four. I really appreciate freeware authors. Thanks for a great prog.
Posts: 110
Joined: Sun Jul 11, 2004 1:11 pm
Location: USA

Postby Zero3K » Thu Jul 22, 2004 4:01 am

3. Its already possible. Click Options, Download options. In the Download options dialog box, click the All downloads tab and then check the Automatically delete completed downloads checkbox, click Apply. Finally, click OK.

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