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Import List of URLs

Moderators: Usher, Alex


Import List of URLs

Postby Junior » Wed Nov 26, 2014 1:08 pm

Hi all,

I would need some help exporting/importing a list of urls (xml).

In my download's properties I specified "filename_%date%.pdf" in the "save as" field.The download works fine, but when I export this download using File->Export->List of Downloads to a xml-file the filename information is lost.

So when importing the list again FDM provides it's own filename - bad for me. When I hit alt+enter on that imported download only the advanced properties page shows up and I cannot change the filename to be used.

Is there any chance to solve this problem. I could not find any information in the help files and there is also no information about the xml-tags that may be used (I tried to edit the exported xml-file with a new tag for the filename).

Also it would be great to get some information about the expressions I can use in filenames. The "%date%-expression" was just a try .... and worked.


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