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Re: FDM 6
Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2023 4:15 pm
by Alex
Guest wrote:You havent's answered my second question. I used IDM before with 32 simultanous connections per servers, and seemed to always to have higher speed compared to FDM. But they did give me a waring about chances being blacklisted.
What is exact question I did not answer? I said, FDM has limit of 20 sections. You can't overcome it. We made this limit for exact the same reasons you described here: to not abuse servers and to not get our users blacklisted

Re: FDM 6
Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:04 am
by Guest
Alex wrote:Guest wrote:You havent's answered my second question. I used IDM before with 32 simultanous connections per servers, and seemed to always to have higher speed compared to FDM. But they did give me a waring about chances being blacklisted.
What is exact question I did not answer? I said, FDM has limit of 20 sections. You can't overcome it. We made this limit for exact the same reasons you described here: to not abuse servers and to not get our users blacklisted

You were not being clear. Since IDM gave me warning for high number of connections per server, and still let me choose. They did not have the limit of 20, instead of a list, and they gave users the jump from 16 to 32.
Re: FDM 6
Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:10 am
by Guest
Alex wrote:Guest wrote:Choosing to either to Open or to Save the files?
You can't open a file before saving it. You would like FDM to delete the file after you've opened it? There is no such a feature.
Would you consider adding this? A handy feature for files you would only open once. Everyone would find it useful with the setup package. Chrome, Android studio and most are not aquirable through Winget & other package manager or Microsoft Store.
Re: FDM 6
Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 3:34 pm
by johnlgalt
Guest wrote:Alex wrote:Guest wrote:Choosing to either to Open or to Save the files?
You can't open a file before saving it. You would like FDM to delete the file after you've opened it? There is no such a feature.
Everyone would find it useful with the setup package.
I would not find this feature helpful in anyway, and in fact, would find it disruptive, both in terms of additional resources that FDM would need to monitor downloads in lots of different folders *and* the accidental deletion of a file that I then have to re-download.
So, no, not
Re: FDM 6
Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2023 9:51 am
by Alex
Re: FDM 6
Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2023 8:01 pm
by Alex
Guest wrote:Would you consider adding this? A handy feature for files you would only open once. Everyone would find it useful with the setup package. Chrome, Android studio and most are not aquirable through Winget & other package manager or Microsoft Store.
For now, you are the only user requested such a feature.
1. We have no enough resources to implement each feature a single user wants.
2. We would like to not complicate the interface.
So, for now, the answer is no. Sorry

Re: FDM 6
Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 7:06 pm
by johnlgalt
Is there any functionality difference between the M$ Store version and the manually downloaded and installed version?
Specifically, Anything different about browser integration, or anything else in the settings of the manual install that has not yet been implemented in the Store version?
Re: FDM 6
Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2023 8:51 am
by Alex
johnlgalt wrote:Is there any functionality difference between the M$ Store version and the manually downloaded and installed version?
Re: FDM 6
Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 5:22 pm
by greenlake
Alex wrote:What is exact question I did not answer? I said, FDM has limit of 20 sections. You can't overcome it. We made this limit for exact the same reasons you described here: to not abuse servers and to not get our users blacklisted

Just to be sure, it's ok to change this to "20"

Re: FDM 6
Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 4:34 pm
by greenlake
Free Download Manager v6.19.0.5156 [Mar 13, 2023] STABLE
I have three issues.
1. "Check for updates automatically" does not work.
2. Has the option to select a default download folder been eliminated? If so, how is the default download folder determined?
3. Was export/import settings eliminated?
Re: FDM 6
Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 5:33 pm
by Alex
greenlake wrote:1. "Check for updates automatically" does not work.
Works fine for me.
greenlake wrote:2. Has the option to select a default download folder been eliminated? If so, how is the default download folder determined?
greenlake wrote:3. Was export/import settings eliminated?
Re: FDM 6
Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 9:53 pm
by greenlake
Alex wrote:Hello,
greenlake wrote:1. "Check for updates automatically" does not work.
Works fine for me.
greenlake wrote:2. Has the option to select a default download folder been eliminated? If so, how is the default download folder determined?
greenlake wrote:3. Was export/import settings eliminated?
Given the differences between the last two versions, as we see below, can I assume the options I referred to are in different location in v6.19.0.5156? Can you direct me the those locations?
Also, can you offer any advice regarding the failed update alerts?
These images are from v6.18.1 Build 4920

These images are from v6.19.0.5156, no default download option, no import/export option

Re: FDM 6
Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 1:17 am
by Alex
Where did you get this FDM from? It's not an official build. It's unauthorized one. Beware of possible malware.
Re: FDM 6
Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 5:29 pm
by greenlake
Alex wrote:Where did you get this FDM from? It's not an official build. It's unauthorized one. Beware of possible malware.
I have never download a version of FDM 6.xxxxx from anywhere else than here

Looks like an old version rendered from that link?
Re: FDM 6
Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 5:53 pm
by Alex
Please notice FDM versions you post. is a way too old version. It was released in Apr 2, 2020. I don't know how this could happen, maybe it was a temporary bug of our download servers. I've just checked - current version is Please re-download.