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Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:27 pm
by mppfiles
Caroline: Seems like you are still waiting your payment! No news yet?
Many users like me are still waiting even the invitation...
Even Nadia can't get any feedback with the PO, there is a problem with them for sure.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:49 am
by doblece
Payment was made by FDM as I said in my last message... and yesterday Guru did the transfer to Paypal as per their "transfer schedule" (mondays, wednesdays and fridays).
Can you tell me your profile ID or screen name so I can help you search and see if you appear or not? One fellow translator had that problem as well, her screen name didn't show up but was available through the profile ID.
The other way around would be that you create an "employer" account and so you can search your "other self" (freelancer) through the employer's search function.
Anyway if I can be of help just let me know.
P.S. On a hint I searched for "mppfiles" and maybe got your profile there? it has a hand drawing of a man's face as screen icon and is located in Argentina? That profile is under Writing/Editing/Translation and date says: Member since: 28 May 2008 - Profile ID: 980837
If it is yours, it is indeed visible and searchable, just send an email to Nadia with both screen name and Profile ID number, and place that number in your profile at FDM besides "payment mode", it should work that way.
Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:14 pm
by mppfiles
Yes Caroline, you actually found my profile! (and my 'picture' too )
I got a question for you... was so hard to find it?
if not...why the PO is taking so long??
I've sended several days ago everything to Nadia. Username, screen name, profile ID, URL to my profile...instructions...screenshots!! everything.
Do you think my profile is OK? Which are your category/subcategory?
Thanks for your help and interest.
Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 11:13 pm
by doblece
Not at all... I just wrote "mppfiles" in the search box, and your profile came out. That's all. I also verified with the number, and it showed as well. So it's visible.
The category in which I am is the same (writing/editing/translation).
Don't remember now the subcategories, but I don't think that could be a problem. Just make sure that you have updated your payment method under the "my profile" section at FDM's interface. If you did, and sent an email to Nadia (nadia "at" freedownloadmanager "dot" org) as a confirmation of all the searchable data, I think there will be no problem.
Guru-Paypal fees
Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:29 pm
by Luoflita
I got paid =)
Now... does anybody know how Guru perform the payments to paypal accounts?
I'm asking this becouse of the diference between the Personal and Bussines account fess.
Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:42 pm
by mppfiles
Thanks again Caroline, finally I received my payment.
However, it was not the full amount!!
Do you know if this is normal?
Re: Guru-Paypal fees
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:51 pm
by doblece
Luoflita wrote:I got paid =)
Now... does anybody know how Guru perform the payments to paypal accounts?
I'm asking this becouse of the diference between the Personal and Bussines account fess.
Did you already registered and confirmed your Paypal account? You should do that first.
Thereafter, you have to ask for the withdrawal.
They make the deposit on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays so it may take two days from your withdrawal.
Good news is that the Paypal fees are already counted in the Guru fees, I have a Premium account and the fees were 0.00.
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:53 pm
by doblece
mppfiles wrote:Thanks again Caroline, finally I received my payment.
However, it was not the full amount!!
Do you know if this is normal?
Did you place the exact amount in your invoice?
I don't know if it's normal as I only had one single month pending... but if they are paying month through month, maybe you should make another invoice for the month(s) that is(are) missing.
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:16 pm
by mppfiles
Thanks doblece for your replies!
I get paid the full amount
Now I'm wondering when we have to generate the June invoice, and if the amount stated must include the Guru fees or not.
Do you have any clue?
Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 2:09 am
by doblece
I guess the amount stated will have to include the fees, as they have indeed stated they would be paying them.
As to the invoice, I guess we will have to wait until they tell us that we can send it or eventually invite us again (though that wouldn't be necessary because we already have their billing code and the project remains the same).
Be sure to be checking the "news" section of the translation interface periodically so you can be informed about any eventuality or admin messages.
Guru Fees & More...
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 3:01 pm
by Luis Daniel Ibarrola
Simply Great!
Maybe through the last months many of us got a little nervous because of delays.
It is very good to say now that Softdeluxe has not only honored once again money owed to translators but it is also faithfully covering Guru fees since February!
To all colleagues: don't ever forget how this trouble did start. From now on let's all be measured with postings, let's cooperate to make the whole thing work. We all of us know now that FDM has paid for about 80,000 translations. IT IS NOT FRAUD.
To Caroline (whom I do not know): Thank you very much for the step by step guide you compiled to turn complex Guru registrations in something too much easier!!! And thanks to everyone who has contributed!
To Nadia & The Team, thank you for your loyalty.
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:13 pm
by doblece
Thanks for the kind words, I am glad it helped.
And I fully agree with your above statements.
Let's go on working!