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FDM Not catching downloads on one site

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Re: FDM Not catching downloads on one site

Postby johnlgalt » Thu Jan 14, 2021 10:08 pm

jvidalw wrote:So, that's your answer? use another browser?

Anyway, here's another problem
FDM won't catch any downlaods here ... llSettings

moreover, if I right click on a link and select "download with FDM", FDM downloads a file called "index", instead of the actual file I requested. Strictly speaking, the file "index" is actually the file I wanted, but renamed.

I really hope you can look into this, instead of just telling me to use a chromium browser (which I won't do)

Right clicking the actual download link and selecting FDM from the context menu is working perfectly fine here.

As for the first 2 posts from another user (or maybe you before you created a login?) - FDM has a setting that, by default, does not get invoked for settings < 1 MB in size (under Browser Integration). However, I've found that some files, and particularly .ZIP files, never get downloaded when you left-click on download links no matter what (I have that setting to not DL files < 1 MB unchecked, but if I go to download the latest .ZIP binaries of tools from the first 2 (HDCleanerx64 and HDPowerx64) get detected by FDM and it invokes itself - the other 2 (RegCoolx64 and ImageFinderx64) do not get detected by FDM, and thus I have to right-click them and manually select FDM to use FDM to DL.

I am I.

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Re: FDM Not catching downloads on one site

Postby jvidalw » Fri Jan 15, 2021 3:29 pm

you should stop using the "webext is shit" excuse, other download managers work VERY good with the new firefox 57 and UP, like AntDM or IDM, for example.
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Re: FDM Not catching downloads on one site

Postby Usher » Sat Jan 16, 2021 2:00 pm

You should stop trolling.
WebExt may be OK, but WebExt API in Firefox is incomplete. Firefox itself has problems with some downloads.
Andrzej P. Wozniak, FDM user and forum moderator
Read FDM FAQ and the reporting rules
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