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Prevent Sleep on Active Download

Moderators: Usher, Alex

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Prevent Sleep on Active Download

Postby flagpole » Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:14 am

With windows 7 hybridized sleep mode a lot of people are using shorter and shorter sleep times.

A great feature would be to prevent sleep mode whilst downloads are running.
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Re: Prevent Sleep on Active Download

Postby unbob » Sat Dec 01, 2012 2:16 am

flagpole wrote:A great feature would be to prevent sleep mode whilst downloads are running.
BUMP! Yes, I need this feature! No response in over 2 1/2 years!? Apparently developers are not reading this board.

Anyone have any info re "suppress sleep mode" while downloading?

Thx, Rob
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Re: Prevent Sleep on Active Download

Postby Usher » Sat Dec 01, 2012 3:35 am

Apparently you should first browse carefully FDM options before asking newbie questions. Apparently you should read more topics before asking at all. Apparently you could find here other topics with proper answer 2 years ago, that is shortly after this topic was started.

Hint "For Dummies": "Prevent computer from stand by while downloading" works for me. Try to search on your own: search.php?keywords=prevent+from+stand+by&terms=all and look carefully at the posting dates.
This option works even better now. Can't hibernate even when only seeding (uploading) torrents, no download active.
Andrzej P. Wozniak, FDM user and forum moderator
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Re: Prevent Sleep on Active Download

Postby Guest » Sat Dec 01, 2012 3:11 pm

Usher wrote:Apparently you should first browse carefully FDM options before asking newbie questions. Apparently you should read more topics before asking at all. Apparently you could find here other topics with proper answer 2 years ago, that is shortly after this topic was started.

Hint "For Dummies": "Prevent computer from stand by while downloading" works for me. Try to search on your own: search.php?keywords=prevent+from+stand+by&terms=all and look carefully at the posting dates.
This option works even better now. Can't hibernate even when only seeding (uploading) torrents, no download active.
Lawlz! Apparently you are correct - can you ever forgive my transgression?

I will try that on my next download. Keep up the good work and thank you!

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