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FDM cannot handle UniCode FileNames

Moderators: Usher, Alex

Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Sep 26, 2013 10:52 am

FDM cannot handle UniCode FileNames

Postby Voltaire » Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:32 am

Btw: only 3 urls allowed – urls made nonworking; please remove space between first and second slash.

Please go to this page:

there you find five download links; two PDFs with chinese names (1, 3) and three installers with latin names (2, 4, 5) that do not make problems.

Go to the first PDF-file Link and try several ways of downloading it:

晶片卡讀卡機簡易故障排除 下載

when clicking on the link, FDM gets following link:
http:/ /

in the FDM-File-Name-List you see a filename "index.html
if you try to download that, you get a "index.html stopped; access denied, invalid user name or password" error

when right-clicking the link and copying the link, FDM gets following link:
http:/ /

if you manually replace the FDM-link with the correct link (that was correctly put to clipboard):
http:/ /晶片卡讀卡機簡易故障排除.pdf
you get the same "index.html"-file to download – what is not working ...

... so you cannot tell "get a normal browser then it's working" ... the problem are the chinese characters that cannot be handled ...

second file:

ATM晶片讀卡機使用手冊 下載

http:/ /
trying to download that results in "IC stopped; file not found" error

if you right-click "download with FDM" following link is got:
http:/ /

the downloaded file gets the name: IC______-_____.pdf

copying the link to the clipboard makes FDM take following link:
http:/ /

the correct link is:
http:/ /晶片卡說明書-適用台灣區.pdf

so you cannot download these chinese named PDFs with FDM ...

Please make unicode working correctly, thanks!

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