FDM 5.1
Re: FDM 5.1
Clive Sorensson wrote:Dear User!Renz1er wrote:--- Problems ---
1. GUI based problem when Shut Down/Sleep/Hibernate After Download is selected. Picture link http://prnt.sc/ctb299
2. Speed Gets Capped at 360 kbps, while I get around 400 kbps for the same file under same conditions in IDM.
--- Suggestions ---
1. There should be a option in Settings to select individual folders for different file type.
Using FDM nearly after 3-4 months. It seems much more polished then before, thanks for your hard work FDM Dev team. Would really appreciate if you guys could do a regular basis (monthly) update for FDM.
What is you internet connection speed? Please send us the log of the download?
My net speed is 3 megabits per second, which converts to 384 kilobytes per second.
By the way, found another bug. User names and Passwords for downloading from a site is not remembered. example, Madokami.
--- Log for "Action Comics 960 (2016)" / url - http://three.comicfiles.ru/DC/A%20-%20E ... 60%20(2016)%20GetComics.INFO.cbr ---
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:31] Starting download
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:31] Opening file on disk...
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:31] Maximum number of connections is 10
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:31] Opening connection 1
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:31] Download speed isn't limited
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:32] Opening connection 2
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:33] Opening connection 3
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:33] Connection 2 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:34] Opening connection 4
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:34] Connection 1 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:34] Opening connection 5
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:35] Connection 3 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:35] Opening connection 6
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:36] Opening connection 7
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:36] Connection 5 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:37] Connection 4 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:37] Connection 6 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:39] Opening connection 8
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:40] Connection 7 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:40] Opening connection 9
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:41] Opening connection 10
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:42] Connection 8 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:43] Connection 9 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:43:43] Connection 10 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:45:19] Connection 9 finished receiving data, downloaded: 2.41 MB, average speed: 25.23 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:45:19] Opening connection 9
[Oct 16, 2016 11:45:24] Connection 9 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:45:31] Connection 8 finished receiving data, downloaded: 2.41 MB, average speed: 22.28 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:45:31] Opening connection 8
[Oct 16, 2016 11:45:39] Connection 8 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:46:16] Connection 10 finished receiving data, downloaded: 2.36 MB, average speed: 15.70 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:46:16] Opening connection 10
[Oct 16, 2016 11:46:20] Connection 10 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:46:43] Connection 5 finished receiving data, downloaded: 4.88 MB, average speed: 26.68 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:46:43] Opening connection 5
[Oct 16, 2016 11:46:44] Connection 5 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:46:55] Connection 9 finished receiving data, downloaded: 4.39 MB, average speed: 23.24 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:46:55] Opening connection 9
[Oct 16, 2016 11:46:56] Connection 9 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:46:57] Connection 3 finished receiving data, downloaded: 2.90 MB, average speed: 14.56 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:46:58] Opening connection 3
[Oct 16, 2016 11:46:59] Connection 3 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:02] Connection 6 finished receiving data, downloaded: 2.53 MB, average speed: 12.58 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:02] Opening connection 6
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:04] Connection 6 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:08] Connection 10 finished receiving data, downloaded: 3.92 MB, average speed: 19.53 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:08] Opening connection 10
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:09] Connection 7 finished receiving data, downloaded: 4.25 MB, average speed: 20.69 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:09] Opening connection 7
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:10] Connection 10 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:10] Connection 3 finished receiving data, downloaded: 3.46 MB, average speed: 16.38 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:10] Opening connection 3
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:11] Connection 9 finished receiving data, downloaded: 4.99 MB, average speed: 24.43 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:11] Opening connection 9
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:11] Connection 7 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:11] Connection 6 finished receiving data, downloaded: 2.98 MB, average speed: 14.16 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:12] Opening connection 6
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:12] Connection 3 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:12] Connection 10 finished receiving data, downloaded: 4.05 MB, average speed: 19.77 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:12] Opening connection 10
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:12] Connection 9 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:12] Connection 7 finished receiving data, downloaded: 4.39 MB, average speed: 21.02 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:12] Opening connection 7
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:13] Connection 5 finished receiving data, downloaded: 6.06 MB, average speed: 28.56 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:13] Connection 6 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:14] Connection 10 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:14] Connection 3 finished receiving data, downloaded: 3.56 MB, average speed: 16.54 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:14] Opening connection 3
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:14] Connection 9 finished receiving data, downloaded: 5.09 MB, average speed: 24.51 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:14] Connection 7 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:14] Connection 6 finished receiving data, downloaded: 3.07 MB, average speed: 14.42 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:14] Connection 10 finished receiving data, downloaded: 4.14 MB, average speed: 20.00 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:14] Connection 4 finished receiving data, downloaded: 3.03 MB, average speed: 14.08 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:15] Connection 1 finished receiving data, downloaded: 2.69 MB, average speed: 12.37 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:15] Connection 7 finished receiving data, downloaded: 4.46 MB, average speed: 21.13 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:15] Connection 3 receiving data
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:16] Connection 8 finished receiving data, downloaded: 3.99 MB, average speed: 19.01 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:16] Connection 3 finished receiving data, downloaded: 3.64 MB, average speed: 16.77 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:16] Connection 2 finished receiving data, downloaded: 2.87 MB, average speed: 13.17 KB/s
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:16] Connection 1 closed
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:16] Connection 2 closed
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:16] Connection 3 closed
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:16] Connection 4 closed
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:16] Connection 5 closed
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:16] Connection 6 closed
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:16] Connection 7 closed
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:16] Connection 8 closed
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:16] Connection 9 closed
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:17] Connection 10 closed
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:17] Removing temporary file extension
[Oct 16, 2016 11:47:17] Download complete
--- Size of file 39 MB and average download speed was 350KB/s ---
Re: Freeze of FDM
Guest wrote:Hello all,
two problems:
1.) When adding a download using
- newest FireFox and
- Save.tv webarchive
FDM pops up. After clicking Download it happens about every 25th download that FDM freezes. One then can only kill the process.
2.) Going to sleep after downloads done does not work here.
Can there be a solution, please?
Thank you,
These problems still exist

- FDM Team
- Posts: 1396
- Joined: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:06 pm
Re: Freeze of FDM
Dear User!Guest wrote:Guest wrote:Hello all,
two problems:
1.) When adding a download using
- newest FireFox and
- Save.tv webarchive
FDM pops up. After clicking Download it happens about every 25th download that FDM freezes. One then can only kill the process.
2.) Going to sleep after downloads done does not work here.
Can there be a solution, please?
Thank you,
These problems still exist
Please try to upgrade FDM to the latest version.
Re: FDM 5.1
I really wish you would abandon this v5 disaster. It is a horrible piece of software. It doesn't even detect Youtube videos. And any downloads i've ever tried to instigate always stick on 0%.
v3.9.7, now that's a beautiful piece of coding. Thanks God for sites like oldversion.com and filehippo.com, where you can still get 3.9.7 from to reinstall after unistalling the abortion that is v5.
v3.9.7, now that's a beautiful piece of coding. Thanks God for sites like oldversion.com and filehippo.com, where you can still get 3.9.7 from to reinstall after unistalling the abortion that is v5.
Re: FDM 5.1
malau wrote:I really wish you would abandon this v5 disaster. It is a horrible piece of software. It doesn't even detect Youtube videos. And any downloads i've ever tried to instigate always stick on 0%.
v3.9.7, now that's a beautiful piece of coding. Thanks God for sites like oldversion.com and filehippo.com, where you can still get 3.9.7 from to reinstall after unistalling the abortion that is v5.
It is a lot of words, but it isn't enough thoughts.
Re: Freeze of FDM
Clive Sorensson wrote:Dear User!Guest wrote:Guest wrote:Hello all,
two problems:
1.) When adding a download using
- newest FireFox and
- Save.tv webarchive
FDM pops up. After clicking Download it happens about every 25th download that FDM freezes. One then can only kill the process.
2.) Going to sleep after downloads done does not work here.
Can there be a solution, please? Thank you, Ralf
These problems still exist
Please try to upgrade FDM to the latest version. Regards, Clive
Hi Clive, I am already using newest FDM. Further problems:
3.) FDM does not go to sleep when using that function.
TimeComX cannot set Windows 10 to go to sleep.
Windows 10 does not go to sleep if I choose function.
After closing FDM I can set Win 10 to go to sleep. Also TimeComX can be used to let Win 10 sleep.
4.) When I use MEDIUM Traffic Limit with
4096 KB/s down / 128 KB/s up, connections 15 / 6
I often have the problem, that FDM does download nothing. If I go back to "High" speed, then download starts again.
Can these bugs please be fixed?
Re: FDM 5.1
I was reluctant to switch from 3.97.
FDM 5 has come of age. Its simpler and prettier, but I'd still like to see a few more things.
Three questions, two suggestion.
1) Is there a user manual?
2) You mention a portable version, I cant find any instructions on this, and the installer has no portable option.
2) Please explain the "Traffic Limits" feature. I'm not sure how to use it, or just leave it alone. Is there a default if the setting are not adjusted?
3) That download progress interface is very attractive, but it is very imposing, and only resizeable to a point, as is the initial download window. Id like to see the downoad window pared down to this alone

But more importantly, in 3.97, the main download progress interface conveniently and automatically got out of the way when the download was initiated. Yes, you can manually close thIs FDM 5 download window or put in it the background, but until the download notification popup appears, you are blind to the download progress.
In 3.97, the user was given the option of visually monitoring the download with several helpful and less intrusive options.
Sometime a download doesn't go as expected. I've had several issues lately on different sites, free-codecs.com & Intel drivers site for example, where for whatever reasons the download either stayed at 0%, stopped 96-99%, or drastically slowed down when reaching that 96-99% plateau.
I'm sure all of us experience this type of behavior from time to time, so I am mentioning it to emphasize the value of bringing back either or both the "show downloading progress window" or "show download info while in progress" box (my personal choice of the 2 because I can resize it and place it out of the way in a location it remembers)
FDM 5 has come of age. Its simpler and prettier, but I'd still like to see a few more things.
Three questions, two suggestion.
1) Is there a user manual?
2) You mention a portable version, I cant find any instructions on this, and the installer has no portable option.
2) Please explain the "Traffic Limits" feature. I'm not sure how to use it, or just leave it alone. Is there a default if the setting are not adjusted?
3) That download progress interface is very attractive, but it is very imposing, and only resizeable to a point, as is the initial download window. Id like to see the downoad window pared down to this alone

But more importantly, in 3.97, the main download progress interface conveniently and automatically got out of the way when the download was initiated. Yes, you can manually close thIs FDM 5 download window or put in it the background, but until the download notification popup appears, you are blind to the download progress.
In 3.97, the user was given the option of visually monitoring the download with several helpful and less intrusive options.
Sometime a download doesn't go as expected. I've had several issues lately on different sites, free-codecs.com & Intel drivers site for example, where for whatever reasons the download either stayed at 0%, stopped 96-99%, or drastically slowed down when reaching that 96-99% plateau.
I'm sure all of us experience this type of behavior from time to time, so I am mentioning it to emphasize the value of bringing back either or both the "show downloading progress window" or "show download info while in progress" box (my personal choice of the 2 because I can resize it and place it out of the way in a location it remembers)
- FDM Team
- Posts: 1396
- Joined: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:06 pm
Re: FDM 5.1
Dear User!oroville wrote:Please explain the "Traffic Limits" feature. I'm not sure how to use it, or just leave it alone. Is there a default if the setting are not adjusted?
Traffic limits modes can be switched in the bottom FDM panel.
For each mode, there are following settings: the maximum limit of the download speed and upload speed, the number of simultaneous downloads, and the maximum number of connections for the downloads.
For example, in the Medium mode, the maximum download speed is 4 MB/s, upload speed is 1 MB/s, the number of simultaneous downloads is 6, and the maximum number of connections is 30.
Then, when this mode is enabled, at the same time only 6 downloads can be downloaded, each download will have 5 connections, and the total maximum speed won't exceed 4 MB/s.
Your feature suggestions were added to our to-do list. You can also vote for the features here: http://www.freedownloadmanager.org/boar ... =1&t=17512
Re: FDM 5.1
Hello Clive,
Aha! I was wondering what those arrows were about.
Now that you pointed it out, its obvious, but I think this is one of those things that could use some help in the interface to become apparent to the average user.
About the portable version, is this only available in 3.97? On your features page,
you mention "portable mode", but I searched all over the place and cant find any more information on this.
Clive Sorensson wrote:Traffic limits modes can be switched in the bottom FDM panel.
Aha! I was wondering what those arrows were about.

Now that you pointed it out, its obvious, but I think this is one of those things that could use some help in the interface to become apparent to the average user.
About the portable version, is this only available in 3.97? On your features page,
you mention "portable mode", but I searched all over the place and cant find any more information on this.
- FDM Team
- Posts: 1396
- Joined: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:06 pm
Re: FDM 5.1
Dear User!oroville wrote:Hello Clive,
About the portable version, is this only available in 3.97?
Yes, at the moment, the portable version is available only in FDM 3.
Re: FDM 5.1
Clive Sorensson wrote:Dear Users!
Thanks for "Launch at startup (minimized)" issue report!
We'll check it!
Do we have any update on this issue being fixed as I'm about ready to pull back deployment in a couple of businesses and my own home use because of this bug.
Windows 10 Pro x64 Anniversary Edition
Re: FDM 5.1
Currently dont have FDM installed.
If I remember correctly, there is a start & restart option for downloads. Start, resumes the download.
I think would be better if start is renamed to resume.
FDM shows incomplete/cancelled, etc... downloads in downloads folder. Downloads folder looks messy if few downloads are incomplete, cancelled, etc...
I think would be better if incomplete, cancelled, etc... downloads are not shown in downloads folder (Like IDM, it doesn't show incomplete, cancelled, etc... downloads in downloads folder...I like that).
Thank You
Currently dont have FDM installed.
If I remember correctly, there is a start & restart option for downloads. Start, resumes the download.
I think would be better if start is renamed to resume.
FDM shows incomplete/cancelled, etc... downloads in downloads folder. Downloads folder looks messy if few downloads are incomplete, cancelled, etc...
I think would be better if incomplete, cancelled, etc... downloads are not shown in downloads folder (Like IDM, it doesn't show incomplete, cancelled, etc... downloads in downloads folder...I like that).
Thank You
- FDM Team
- Posts: 1396
- Joined: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:06 pm
Re: FDM 5.1
Dear User!Bob1234321 wrote:Clive Sorensson wrote:Dear Users!
Thanks for "Launch at startup (minimized)" issue report!
We'll check it!
Do we have any update on this issue being fixed as I'm about ready to pull back deployment in a couple of businesses and my own home use because of this bug.
Windows 10 Pro x64 Anniversary Edition
The bug will be fixed in the next release.
- FDM Team
- Posts: 1396
- Joined: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:06 pm
Re: FDM 5.1
Dear User!yash wrote:Hello,
Currently dont have FDM installed.
If I remember correctly, there is a start & restart option for downloads. Start, resumes the download.
I think would be better if start is renamed to resume.
FDM shows incomplete/cancelled, etc... downloads in downloads folder. Downloads folder looks messy if few downloads are incomplete, cancelled, etc...
I think would be better if incomplete, cancelled, etc... downloads are not shown in downloads folder (Like IDM, it doesn't show incomplete, cancelled, etc... downloads in downloads folder...I like that).
Thank You
The feature was added to our to-do list.
Re: FDM 5.1
Clive Sorensson wrote:Dear User!yash wrote:Hello,
Currently dont have FDM installed.
If I remember correctly, there is a start & restart option for downloads. Start, resumes the download.
I think would be better if start is renamed to resume.
FDM shows incomplete/cancelled, etc... downloads in downloads folder. Downloads folder looks messy if few downloads are incomplete, cancelled, etc...
I think would be better if incomplete, cancelled, etc... downloads are not shown in downloads folder (Like IDM, it doesn't show incomplete, cancelled, etc... downloads in downloads folder...I like that).
Thank You
The feature was added to our to-do list.
Thank You for the info
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