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Free Download Manager Blogging Buzz

During last several years we did our best to create the tool that would be useful for all Internet users. We developed Free Download Manager. Its users encouraged us in our development efforts, supporting us by brilliant suggestions, testing and good wishes. To join FDM users and implement several new options, we decided to base this new version on Web 2.0 technology and create the real community of people who like surfing and like FDM.
New Free Download Manager is social software. You can learn about its new features here. We also launch Free Download Manager blog where you can find recent news, information on product updates, and reviews of new downloads at Free Download Manager software library.
Having #1 most popular website (Alexa stats) among download managers, rated #1 in Google for "download manager", having millions of loyal users FDM is already very popular. But still there are so many people who don't know about it and still use their browsers to download files and Explorer to manage them.
So today we start a new Internet experiment - FDM blogging buzz - an action which goal is to make FDM the fastest-spreading internet tool in the blogosphere. Maybe just second to FireFox though :-)
We ask you to help us to join as many people as you can. The more people use FDM, the more files will be commented and rated, the greater is the advantage for each of the community members. So how can you join the buzz? Here are two possible ways:
  • Add our site (www.freedownloadmanager.org) and/or our blog (www.freedownloadmanager.org/blog/) to your blog links or to your personal space (see MySpace and MSN Spaces tips).
  • Post a short note about it in the blog if you don't have a links area. And the last step is to inform us about your site so we can track the buzz and add you to the list of participants that will be available soon at our site.
We'll be writing about the progress of this project in our blog.
* Your reciprocal URL
* Your site name
Your name
Your email
* Where you have placed your link
Free Download Manager


12月 19, 2023
FDM 是一款免费下载管理器,仍在不断发展。新版本 6.20 运行在全新的内核上,UI 是从头开始设计的。我们这样做是为了确保 FDM 在可以运行它的每台设备上顺利运行。此外,还有 20 多个新功能和十多个错误修复。
9月 13, 2023
尊敬的 FDM 用户!我们承认有关安全问题的报告,并向您保证我们正在积极调查这些报告。维持您的信任是我们的首要任务,我们努力对情况进行直接、诚实的描述。不幸的是,我们必须确认过去对我们网站的破坏。根据我们的调查结果,我们网站上的一个特定网页受到了……的破坏。
3月 31, 2023
尊敬的 FDM 用户!我们很高兴地宣布免费下载管理器现已在 Microsoft Store 上架!如果您还没有下载 FDM,可以更快、更轻松、更高效地下载文件。请在商店中留下积极评价并为该应用程序投票。您的反馈和支持将帮助我们继续改进 FDM 并提供最佳的下载体验。感谢您选择免费下载管理器!
3月 15, 2023
尊敬的 FDM 用户!我们有好消息告诉您! Free Download Manager 已更新至 6.19,现在拥有大量新功能和改进。 FDM的改进版本可以在下载完成后启动外部应用程序,将上次使用的调度程序设置记住为默认设置,并在用户指定的一定时间后自动删除已完成的下载。此外,为了带来更好的用户体验,FDM 6.19 还包括翻新的按状态排序算法、改进的下载流量管理机制以及多个新的 BitTorrent 选项。欢迎您将 FDM 更新到最新版本并在我们的论坛上分享您的反馈!
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